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23 August 2008

Florence Foresti - Paris Hilton

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Florence Foresti - j'aime pas les filles

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Feedoor - Manage Your Feeds In One Place

Combine your feeds using Feedoor.
Here is Sigalon's combined feed.

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Get the Sigalon's Public Pages from Iterasi.

Iterasi is a personal web archiving service that makes saving, searching and sharing Web pages easy. There is a lot more to iterasi that we can go into here but we encourage you to read our FAQ and view the screencasts describing the product and our newest features. We also have some screenshots and logos that you are free to use as you wish. These should help you get to the heart of the story. To get to the chase quickly, in our latest release (August 2008) we have just announced the following:

  • iterasi is now supported on the Mac
  • The Scheduler is available for users to automatically archive web pages on a scheduled basis
  • We've added a Short URL for easy linking of a user's notarized pages

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Listen to Jazz

Forever Cool - Classic Cool Jazz from the 50s and 60s as well as 'cool' tracks from contemporary artists.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

21 August 2008

Tesla Motors Newsletter

Tesla Roadsters: Free Delivery!

Last time around President and CEO Ze'ev Drori stated the production logjam had been broken. Tesla Roadsters are now coming down the river and into the hands of proud owners. Over a dozen Roadsters have been delivered so far. As of now 15 Roadster gliders arelined up at the Lotus assembly plant in Hethel ready to make thejourney over the big pond for final assembly in Menlo Park, California.Delivery frequency will increase along with a corresponding ramp up inRoadster production on our way to delivering over 100 Roadsters permonth.

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The Weather

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20 August 2008

The Weather

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MayoClinic on Ageing

Aging: What to expect as you get older
Spotting more gray hairs? Find out what to expect as you age.

Weight-loss goals: 10 tips for success
Convert your thoughts into actions by setting realistic and measurable weight-loss goals. Here's how.

Exercise: A drug-free approach to lowering high blood pressure
Exercise is a great way to control your blood pressure. Even small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference.

Stress and high blood pressure: What's the connection?
Even though stress hasn't been proved to cause high blood pressure,reducing your stress can help control your blood pressure by improvingyour general health.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

2012 and the End of the World

A Mayan calendar column in Quirigua, Yucatan
Stringer/Getty Images
A Mayan calendar column in Quirigua, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, Aug. 13, 1929.
We can blame it all on the Mayans. They created the Long Count Calendar,a time measurement system that had spiritual significance to theirculture. They organized their calendar into several cycles, the last ofwhich will end in December 2012. Some people think the Mayans haddiscovered that after 2012, the world would end.

Thereare dozens of theories about how this might happen. Some claim that2012 is when the Earth will experience a polar shift.Others say that after 2012, the Earth will experience a period ofterrible destruction followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment.A few claim that in 2012, a secret government will accomplish its goalof total world domination. What will actually happen? Check back withus (HowStuffWorks) on Jan. 1, 2013.

Mayan calendar
Stephen Sweet/Dreamstime
A traditional Mayan calendar

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

19 August 2008

Are you a Member?

Welcome to the Flat Earth Society Homepage!

The Flat Earth Society is not in any way responsible forthe failure of the French to repel the Germans at the Maginot Line duringWWII. Nor is the Flat Earth Society responsible for the recent yeti sightingsoutside the Vatican, or for the unfortunate enslavement of the NabiscoInc. factory employees by a rogue hamster insurrectionist group. Furthermore,we are not responsible for the loss of one or more of the following, whichmay possibly occur as the result of exposing one's self to the dogmaticand dangerously subversive statements made within: life, limb, vision,Francois Mitterand, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thumb, Aunt Mildred,citizenship, spleen, bedrock, cloves, I Love Lucy reruns, toaster, pinederby racer, toy duck, antelope, horseradish, prosthetic ankle, double-cheeseburger,tin foil, limestone, watermelon-scented air freshner, sanity, paprika,German to Pig Latin dictionary, dish towel, pet Chihuahua, pogo stick,Golf Digest subscription, floor tile, upper torso or halibut.

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MSNBC TV - The Presumptuous Nominee

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Burj Dubai - The World's Tallest Skyscraper

Burj Dubai is now the world's tallest structure ever built.

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"In The 21st Century Nations Don't Invade Other Nations" except if it's the United States of America the invaders.

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The Weather

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La Grotte de Trabuc - Visited yesterday - 2008-08-18

La grotte de TRABUC est le plus important réseau souterrain des Cévennes.
Située en périphérie du Parc National des Cévennes, c'est un site majeur qui attire chaque année des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs.La partie accessible au public, grâce à un aménagement de qualité et respectueux de l'environnement de la caverne, permet d'admirer ce qui retint, voici bientôt 50 ans, l'attention des premiers explorateurs : la diversité des coloris et des cristaux.Une grotte évolue dans le temps et les cristaux en fonction de leur age et de la présence de divers oxydes, se teintent. Ainsi peut on passer de la transparence à l'ocre la plus soutenue en l'espace de quelques mètres.

La visite de Trabuc est une découverte constante. Coudes de galeries et carrefours réservent des surprises, des paysages variés, des émotions. Curiosité unique au monde.

Et lorsqu'en fin de visite, on croit avoir tout vu, on reste médusé devant le spectacle des " 100 000 soldats ", 100 000 petites stalagmites hautes de 10 cm maximum, plantées sur le sol d'une vaste galerie. Mystère encore inexpliqué.

Une concrétion unique au monde !

Les 100 000 soldats ( détail )

De grands volumes...

TRABUC : the most important cave in the Cevennes 

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

18 August 2008

What is del.izzy?

del.izzy is a free service that lets you search through your bookmarks.
Wait a second, doesn't already let me do that? What's different about del.izzy? is a great service, but when you search through your bookmarks, you are only searching through tags, titles and descriptions, not the page content.
del.izzy lets you search through all content, including title, description and page content, for all your bookmarks.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

The bloody skippin

An Irishman was terribly overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet.
'I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeatthis procedure for 2 weeks.  The next time I see you, you should havelost at least 5 pounds.
When the Irishman returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost nearly 30lbs!
'Why, that's amazing!' the doctor said, 'Did you follow my instructions?'
The Irishman nodded...'I'll tell you though, by jaesuz, I t'aut I were going to drop dead on dat 3rd day.'
'From the hunger, you mean?' asked the doctor.
'No, from the bloody skippin'

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

The Weather

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

17 August 2008

March to Enslavement -- iPhone

After begging with dignity, Stephen finally gets his free iPhone.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

See a gallery of NEWSWEEK's photography from the Olympics

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous video: McClellan responds to critics

McClellan responds to critics

May 29: Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says that while there have been many criticisms of him and his book, his critics haven't refuted the specific charges he's made.

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The Weather

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