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06 September 2008


Brave New Films presents Michael Moore's 'SLACKER UPRISING,' the first major motion picture to be released online for FREE!

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

05 September 2008


Do you consider yourself a geek? Find other geeks here. You can begeeky about anything in life. We're passionate. Early adopters unite!

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Do you consider yourself a geek? Find other geeks here. You can begeeky about anything in life. We're passionate. Early adopters unite! Join us now!

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

Terre TV - spécialisée sur les thématiques environnementales

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

03 September 2008

Don't like your Wikipedia story? Change it.

In the 24 hours before the McCain campaign put the finishing touches onits surprise announcement Friday that Governor Sarah Palin of Alaskawould be the Republican vice presidential candidate, one Wikipedia userwas putting the finishing touches on her biography on the site.
More ....

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

History News Network

History News Network

Journalism is said to be the first draft ofhistory. But journalists traditionally have had little use forhistorians. The list of occasions on which journalists feel compelledto call upon historians is short. Though a select number of historiansrecently have become media stars, the fact remains that few arepublicly quoted, and hardly any are given the public platform regularlyawarded economists, political scientists or pollsters. The lasthistorian trusted to take a large and visible role in a nationaladministration was Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and that was forty yearsago.

Given how public opinion is shaped today, whipsawedemotionally on talk shows this way and that in response to the egos ofthe guests, the desire for ratings by the hosts and the search forprofits by media companies and sponsors, historians are especiallyneeded now. They can help remind us of the superficiality ofwhat-happens-today-is-all-that-counts journalism.

Amongthe many duties we assume are these: To expose politicians whomisrepresent history. To point out bogus analogies. To deflatebeguiling myths. To remind Americans of the irony of history. To putevents in context. To remind us all of the complexity of history.

Just How Stupid Are We?
Facing the Truth About the American People

By Rick Shenkman

Interviews & Features

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What is the Story of Stuff?

From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff inour lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this ishidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuffexposes the connections between a huge number of environmental andsocial issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable andjust world. It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and itjust may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

02 September 2008

Zimplit is the easiest CMS ever made!

Zimplit is the easiest CMS (Content Management System) ever made. 
Zimplitis extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. It's easy toinstall, and easy to use via a simple web interface. Zimplit consistsof only one core engine file. And of course - it`s FREE.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

31 August 2008


Opentape is a free, open-source package that lets you make and host your own mixtapes on the web.

Uploadsongs (via web or FTP), reorder, rename, customize the style, and sharewhat you like on other sites with an embeddable player.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

The Palin Effect - video

The unexpected selection of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as John McCain's running mate has unsettled the race.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

Barack Obama's Speech at the Democratic National Convention

Interactive video and transcript of the senator accepting the Democratic presidential nomination in Denver on Aug. 28.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

govtweets - Tracking live conversations on Twitter

What is govtweets?
govtweets is an easy of tracking liveconversations that occur via twitter on the topic of the Democratic andRepublican Presidential tickets for 2008. Instead of trackingconversation generators, govtweets tracks specific content that isbeing discussed by anyone on twitter. If you find a political twittererparticularly interesting, govtweets can help you discover them too.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous


Failbookest une plateforme vous proposant de suivre les intenses et plussouvent amorphes rebondissements de la vie politique française à lamanière du réseau social Facebook.

Cesite à caractère totalement satirique ne serait être le reflet d'unquelconque début d'analyse politique, ses auteurs étant dépourvus detout sens de la réflexion constructive.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.