Recent FriendFeed entries

25 October 2008

Do men need their own food magazine?

Dagmar in Stockholm, Sweden

Iwas surprised today when I received a press release for a new Swedishfood magazine especially for men. I just can't figure out why there isa need for a food magazine for men, other than the magazine wantssponsors and ads that are directed to men. I havn't seen the magazineyet, so I probably shouldn't question it. But I saw some notes aboutthe contents and if I was a man I would be affended. Affended that myinterests allegedly would be where to find the cheapest beer or beinginterested in what relationship semi famous people have to coffee. No,stay online and read all lovely food blogs instead, there are plenty ofexcellent food blogs written by men:

David Lebovitz
Cooking for Engineers
Dad - Baker & Chef
Real Epicurean
Spittoon Extra
Matblogg (in Swedish)

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

I fint sällskap

Elin, Maria & Helena Elin �r "Tre tjejer i k�ket"

Roliga nyheter i inboxen: vi har blivit nominerade till Matbloggspriset 2008 och det är vi såklart glada för! Stort tack till er som nominerat oss, nu är det upp till juryn att välja årets vinnare! :grin:

Nominerade till Matbloggspriset 2008

Kika gärna in hos de andra nominerade:

Om du vill se prisutdelningen så ska du bege dig till Det Goda KöketStockholmsmässan den 8 november kl 12.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

24 October 2008

Greenspan Concedes to `Flaw' in His Market Ideology

Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman AlanGreenspan said a ``once-in-a-century credit tsunami'' hasengulfed financial markets and conceded that his free-marketideology shunning regulation was flawed.

``Yes, I found a flaw,'' Greenspan said in response togrilling from the House Committee on Oversight and GovernmentReform. ``That is precisely the reason I was shocked because I'dbeen going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidencethat it was working exceptionally well.''

Greenspan said he was ``partially'' wrong in opposingregulation of derivatives and acknowledged that financialinstitutions didn't protect shareholders and investments as wellas he expected.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

Gabriella Cilmi 'Sweet About Me'

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

I've Got a Feelin' You're Foolin'

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

23 October 2008

MS ships emergency patch for Windows worm hole

Microsoft has released an out-of-band patch to fix an extremely critical worm hole that exposes Windows users to remote code execution attacks.
The emergency update comes just one week after the regularlyscheduled Patch Tuesday and follows the discovery of a targetedzero-day attack, Microsoft said in an advisory.   The vulnerability israted "critical" on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the flaw carries an "important" rating.

Continue ...

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

Gmail - Canned Responses

Google's New Handy Gmail Tool: Canned Responses

Tom Spring, PC World

Oct 23, 2008 6:54 pm

Google's continued effort to make Gmail a powerful e-mail platform continues this week with the introduction of Canned Responses.This feature allows you to create a library of short e-mail responsesthat can be selected in just a few clicks when replying to an e-mail.

Thisfeature is handy for anyone who is sick of typing out the identicalresponse to multiple people. I could see this as a handy feature forstoring directions to your home or commonly used e-mail responses suchas "Unsubscribe: Please remove me from your e-mailing list."

You can take Canned Responses a step further, as Google points out,and and use the feature to personalize e-mail auto-replies withspecific messages. For example, you can have two canned messages set upto reply to either your boss or a friend. The one for your boss mightread is "Sorry I missed you, I'm hard at work" and the other "Catch meon my cell phone, I'm likely down at the bar."

Continue ....

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

Canned Responses

Google's New Handy Gmail Tool: Canned Responses

Tom Spring, PC World

Oct 23, 2008 6:54 pm

Google's continued effort to make Gmail a powerful e-mail platform continues this week with the introduction of Canned Responses.This feature allows you to create a library of short e-mail responsesthat can be selected in just a few clicks when replying to an e-mail.

Thisfeature is handy for anyone who is sick of typing out the identicalresponse to multiple people. I could see this as a handy feature forstoring directions to your home or commonly used e-mail responses suchas "Unsubscribe: Please remove me from your e-mailing list."

You can take Canned Responses a step further, as Google points out,and and use the feature to personalize e-mail auto-replies withspecific messages. For example, you can have two canned messages set upto reply to either your boss or a friend. The one for your boss mightread is "Sorry I missed you, I'm hard at work" and the other "Catch meon my cell phone, I'm likely down at the bar."

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous


Drilling beneath the headlines DAILY.

Obama and the economists

Robert Scheer on Obamanomics
"The Battle for Obama's Economic Soul"-- Instead of running with the "European socialist" crowd, as JohnMcCain has claimed, Barack Obama has turned to the same American "freemarket" elite that views government as merely a corporate subsidiary.Even within that group, however, there are serious splits, and the moreenlightened side seems to be winning.

Ohio seal

Bill Boyarsky on the 'Real America'
"A Week in the 'Real America'"-- What struck me during my week in Appalachian Ohio was how differentthis was from the America of the McCain-Palin campaign, a divided placewhere the Republicans pit one part of the country against another withvicious robocalls at the dinner hour.

Chris Hedges on Our Oligarchic Elites
"The Idiots Who Rule America"-- Our oligarchic class is incompetent at governing, managing theeconomy, coping with natural disasters, educating our young, handlingforeign affairs, providing basic services like health care andsafeguarding individual rights. They have no concept, thanks to theeducations they have received, of the common good.

Demitrious Sinor on the State of America's Schools
"No Child Left Behind Fails Us All"-- Truthdig asked Demitrious C. Sinor, an inspirational educator, tosound off on the state of our schools. He warns that unless the NoChild Left Behind regime ends soon, America's classrooms could unravel.It's a reality that neither presidential candidate seems to fullyunderstand, but one he sees every day, from where he sits.


Robert Fisk on Lessons in War from Ancient Greece
"Ancient Words Our Leaders Should Heed"-- Let us now praise famous men. And after yet another U.S.presidential candidates' debate of awesome sterility I'm referringprincipally to one of the first journalists to understand war and, sofar as he could, to check his sources: Thucydides.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.