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31 August 2009

Björn bet jägare i armen -

Björnen hann sätta tänderna i jägarens arm och hand innan den stöp i marken träffad av björnjägarens tredje kula. Björnjakten i skogarna utanför Storbränna i norra Jämtland blev riktigt dramatisk för björnjägaren Omar Jonsson.

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

HOW TO: Find the Name of That Song

Ever had that tune you just couldn’t get out of your head, but you couldn’t remember the darn title or who the heck performed the track? Well there’s an app for that.

Actually, there are several. In this feature we’ll look at several services that can help you name that tune. We’re still waiting on the app that can actually banish that annoyingly catchy song from your mind, but until then at least you can be armed with knowledge.

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

Penn Olson

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

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