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12 December 2009

Programmes TV - Fiche programme - Les momies de Sicile - Docu-info - Découverte - France 5


Menant un travail de recherche de longue haleine, deux scientifiques explorent les catacombes et les cryptes des �glises italiennes. En Sicile, ils font une stup�fiante d�couverte. En effet, dans les profondeurs gisent des milliers de momies vieilles de plusieurs centaines d'ann�es et fort bien conserv�es. Certaines ont toujours leurs v�tements d'�poque. Est-il possible de saisir l'histoire personnelle li�e � chaque momie? En cherchant dans les archives, sur les st�les, en pr�levant des �chantillons sur les corps et en les radiographiant, ils parviennent � de passionnantes r�v�lations. Ils s'int�ressent notamment � la momie d'un enfant conserv�e dans un cercueil de verre, comme une poup�e.

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

06 December 2009

Update: Teapot-Blowing Contest — Pictures

Update: Teapot-Blowing Contest — Pictures

September 11, 2009 by Geeks are Sexy | 39 comments

Yesterday I asked you, dear readers, to send pictures of yourself blowing into a teapot. I could not have imagined such a great response–the number of submissions was fantastic. And even though I offered $20 to the first three people who sent in their picture (congratulations to Touchcream, TheOrangeSquirrel, and Keaton Pepper), most of you told me the prize didn’t really matter because I gave them a good reason to have fun.

Some of you did it at home, and others, at work. And while some did a splendid and controlled execution of the feat, others let all hell loose and just blew in the thing as hard as they could. This probably had something to do with the type of teapot they were using, though.

Anyway, here are the results of our teapot-blowing contest, for your viewing pleasure.

Konrad – photos by Marloc

Keaton M.

Sean V.

The Geek Gals @ CHG

Touchcream – (French Tech Blog)


Ryan T.



Charlie B.

David and his little brother

The Orange Squirrel



Mason H.

Andrea and her husband

Jesse B.

Kiera T.

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

Sigalon's Selected Soup Ingredients

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"
- Oscar Wilde
**** The Sigalon Soups ****
Visit the detailed Soups below (basically composed of various RSS feeds - suggestions for new feeds are most welcome).
The Selected Ingredients are mainly picked up from these Soups.

Automotive, Business/Finance, Environment/Energy, France, Gadgets, Gastronomy, Google, Health, History/Genealogy, Inspired Thinking, IT, Mac, Mobile, Music, News, Photo, Podcasts, Politics, Science/Technology, Sigalon, Sweden, Switzerland, Twitter, Uzes, Video

And the:
- Soup Picks from Friends

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Soup TV:
- Sigalon Selected Ingredients
- Sigalon Video
- Sigalon Friends

Posted via web from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

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