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11 August 2007

My Dots for Friday, August 10, 2007

Quoted: So you think you know the McDonald's menu like the back of your hand? Think again. From McDonald's international, here are some menu items you have pr

[tags: burger, food]

Quoted: presents educators and students with new resources and teaching ideas on the history, character, and drama of the U.S. Supreme Court.

[tags: history, US, legal, government]

We are able to view all entities, from the microworld to the universe, from a single perspective. By setting them up against a scale, we are able to compare and understand things which cannot be physically compared.

[tags: microworld, universe, objects]

Quoted: ZDNet's Apple iMac (20-inch, 2.4GHz) unbiased review, video footage, buying guides; Compare prices, user ratings, specs & more.

[tags: apple, imac]

Anyone care to guess the real numbers of American casualties?

[tags: iraq]

[tags: search]

Quoted: was created so we could find old workplaces, meet old work buddies and get the phone number of that cute girl from accounts ! Well, not entirely true but it's close. Click on one of the featured sites or search for a workplace using the map or the searchbox. If you can't find your workplace, create it an invite your colleagues to visit!

[tags: workplaces, maps, community, google]

Quoted: JungleDisk - Reliable online storage powered by Amazon S3 ™ - Jungle Disk

[tags: s3, online storage, disk]

Introducing the only online address book and calendar that can synchronize with Microsoft, Google, Yahoo!, Apple, AOL, Thunderbird and your mobile phone.

[tags: calendar, address book]

Why do I keep harping on WiMax and its potential to impact the way we work and play in the future. Because it has the potential to truly make us all mobile all the time, just like the cell phone does today.

[tags: WiMax]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

10 August 2007

My Dots for Thursday, August 09, 2007

Quoted: Germany is starting to build a name for itself as the startup cloning capital of the world. German clones of popular U.S. services ...

[tags: genealogy, germany, geni]

Quoted: Web widget provider JS-Kit has been doing a lot of growing up since starting as a simple commenting widget, founder Lev Walkin's pet ...

[tags: technology, community, widgets]

Quoted: People search engine Spock, which we've been covering for a few months, has publicly launched. Spock differs from differs from recently launched ...

[tags: people, search]

Quoted: Spock is a people search engine which collects data from all corners of the web with a heavy focus on areas with dense people information such as photo sites, blogs and social networks. Spock claims people search accounts for 30% of online search and thus they are directly taking on giants like Google and Amazon

[tags: people, search]

Quoted: The unauthorized biography of every person on earth. WikiYou empowers people to write about one another openly and records the stories of our lives.

[tags: wiki, community, people, celebs]

Quoted: Google made an announcement of an experimental new feature - they will soon be allowing comments on Google News stories. Comments will only ...

[tags: google, news, media]

Quoted: Online office suite Zoho released another product tonight, called Zoho Viewer. It is similar to Scribd (and the upcoming Docstoc) - upload an office or PDF document for easy viewing on Zoho’s website or embedded into other web pages.

[tags: document viewer, zoho]

Plurn helps you organize and make sense of media on the internet. It can be used with audio, video, or any media type that can be played thru a playlist.

[tags: music, media, playlist]

Everything you ever wanted to learn about wine is at eBacchus.

[tags: wine] was founded on the premise of giving people the type and quality of entertainment they crave in the 21st Century. And, that type of entertainment comes at them in Real Time.

[tags: video, TV]

Une étude réalisée par l'institut américain Veronis Suhler Stevenson prédit l'arrivée massive des investisseurs publicitaires sur la Toile. D'après les prévisions du cabinet d'analyses, le budget américain de la publicité sur Internet s'élèvera en 2011 à 45 milliards d'euros (62 milliards de dollars), supplantant la presse.

[tags: France, press, internet]

Justifié par un problème de comportement, le licenciement de Laure Manaudou serait en réalité d’origine contractuelle.

[tags: sports]

Quoted: Formula One: After scandal and discord, McLaren gets a breather

[tags: sports, F1]

Quoted: Nothing to watch on TV? Streaming video appeals to niche audiences

[tags: video, streaming, TV]

Quoted: Wi-Fi radio not perfect, but portable and ad-free

[tags: music, radio]

09 August 2007

08 August 2007

My Dots for Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Quoted: TripAdvisor - Unbiased hotel reviews, photos and travel advice for hotels and vacations - Compare prices with just one click.

[tags: reviews, holidays, travel]

Quoted: Death bonds may be the most macabre investment scheme ever devised by Wall Street

[tags: business, insurance]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

07 August 2007

The End Game

2007 08 06
Döden tänkte jag mig så

För att klara sig i vår globaliserade och liberaliserade värld gäller det ju att etablera sig på tillväxtmarknader där efterfrågan inte är föremål för drastiska fluktuationer. Nu skall vi ju alla en gång dö såvitt man på nuvarande ståndpunkt vet. Även befolkningspyramiden bidrar till att göra döden till ett ytterst lovande arbetsfält med goda framtidsutsikter.

Så har ju som vi vet begravningskostnaderna i Sverige stigit markant mycket snabbare än övriga priser. Konkurrensen på detta område har också fungerat precis som den skall: prisnivån har raskt anpassat sig till den högsta tillgängliga nivån. De kyrkliga myndigheterna har effektivt bidragit till en positiv vinstutveckling i branschen: man har förbjudit kyrkoförsamlingar att idka begravningsverksamhet för att inte tränga ut privata företagare. Framtidsutsikterna för pigga entreprenörer (Federley?) är alltså goda med stigande efterfrågan med en mycket låg priselasticitet.

Men hur det än är måste ju entreprenörerna i branschen handskas med en hel del materiella ting. Det skall till kistor, blommor och andra saker. Dylik verksamhet kan ju inte anses som riktigt postindustriell (och givetvis inte postmodern). I USA har finansmarknaderna för länge sedan insett detta och infört en ganska lyckad monetisering av dödsväsendet.

Det går till så här. Många människor har under lång tid betalat på en livförsäkring kanske för att trygga familjens försörjning vid ett oväntat frånfälle. Med stigande ålder blir detta behov allt mindre. Att sluta betala premierna blir ju en ren förlust. Det s.k. återköpsvärdet av försäkringen är naturligtvis löjligt lågt.

Då uppträder ett företag i branschen som via mäklare köper upp sådana försäkringar, betalar ut försäkringstagaren med 20 - 40 % (inte illa), fortsätter att betala premierna och kasserar in försäkringsbeloppet när det är så dags. Nu är det ju vissa risker förknippade med detta - den ursprunglige försäkringstagaren kan ju envisas med att leva längre än h/h är berättigad till. Därför samlar banker och investmentbolag ihop ett större antal försäkringar i en pool som används som säkerhet för emission av s.k. death bonds. Dessa är mycket eftertraktade investeringsobjekt eftersom de i genomsnitt ger en årlig avkastning på 8 % och är absolut oberoende av konjunkturutveckling eller fluktuationer på andra marknader. Dö skall man ju under alla omständigheter oavsett hur Dow-Jones utvecklas.

Nu är det ju klart att ju tidigare försäkringstagaren avlider desto bättre affär för finansbolagen. Det gäller därför att hitta lämpliga målgrupper. HIV-smittade personer var länge utmärkta objekt, den medicinska utvecklingen med bromsmediciner o.dyl har dock numera gjort denna grupp ganska ointressant ur investeringssynpunkt. Här, liksom på så många andra områden, har kvinnor ett betydligt lägre värde än män eftersom de ofta tar sig för att leva längre. Afroamerikaner i USA är avsevärt mera intressanta än den vita befolkningen eftersom deras livlängd är klart lägre speciellt i de stora städernas slumområden.

Befolkningen på en del karibiska öar är också en mycket lovande grupp. Ett investmentföretag försökte ta ut livförsäkringar på hela befolkningen i St. Kitt and Nevis. Tyvärr sprack dock detta schema medan det företag som fick ombord ca 2000 medlemmar av en kyrkoförsamling i ett svart slumområde lyckades betydligt bättre.

Än en gång visar det sig alltså att marknadskrafternas osynliga hand styr allting till det bästa. Den som är mest sjuk, fattig och eländig blir också det mest eftertraktade investeringsobjektet. Så det jämnar ju ut sig. Den lätt kvinnodiskrimerande aspekten får man väl acceptera för den goda sakens skull.

Se också:

My Dots for Monday, August 06, 2007

In addition to sharing videos, music, articles and image justOnetv allows you to create a collaborative environment where you, by creating your own niche, become the editor of content submitted to you for publication by other users. Drive your own community with your expertise on a particular subject.

[tags: video, music]

Quoted: assess, analyze and rank the popularity of any website on leading social bookmarking sites

[tags: tags, bookmark]

Quoted: Who Are You?

You have many online identities, but there is only one you.

[tags: username, identity, web sites]

Loober is a simple little tool that lets you voice chat with People worldwide absolutely free! Make new friends and even broadcast your own Talk Show!

[tags: Loober, voice chat]

Quoted: Picture Gallery of the seven new wonders of the world and the seven ancient wonders.

[tags: photos, national geographics]

Quoted: is a revolutionary Web 2.0 social bookmarking web service for collecting, storing, sharing and distributing web bookmarks, notes, rss feeds, contacts, and much more. Based on AJAX and other next generation web development techniques, offers the easiest, fastest, most intuitive and productive way of maintaining and collaborating bookmarks and other internet resources online.

[tags: social bookmarking, bookmark]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

06 August 2007

My Dots for Sunday, August 05, 2007

"A new treatment for Parkinson's disease involving surgical implantation of genetic material directly into the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease has shown significant results

[tags: pd]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

05 August 2007

My Dots for Saturday, August 04, 2007

Quotations in Latin and Swedish

[tags: quotations, languages]

[tags: music, abba, video]

[tags: music]

As a student Elon Musk lived off a dollar a day. By the age of 31 he was an internet billionaire. Now he is leading the private space race, his ultimate goal to have men living on Mars. But first there's the small matter of his zero-emissions electric sports car that can outrun a Ferrari.

[tags: automotive, tesla, space, EnergyTechnologies]

Quoted: From the AlwaysOn Stanford Summit in Palo Alto, Calif., StartForce CEO Jin Koh gives a demo of his company's Web operating system, a Windows-like platform that encourages others to build on top of it.

[tags: browser, operating system, internet]

Quoted: In a Technology Shakedown, ZDNet Executive Editor David Berlind discovers a reboot feature in Microsoft's Vista operating system that he doesn't like. The feature forces users to reboot their PCs with only a short warning before it happens.

[tags: vista]

Quoted: Ever wanted to fly your car instead of taking that five-hour road trip? Terrafugia, a company founded by graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hopes to make that a reality in the near future with the Transition, a hybrid plane/car with collapsible wings.

[tags: automotive]

Quoted: And then some. A Black Hat hacker proves more than just a Blue Pill can stymie the operating system.

[tags: vista]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.