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24 May 2008

My Faves for Friday, May 23, 2008

Quoted: OLED lighting World first floor lamp with a circular OLED On behalf of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, LÖSCHE DESIGN designed the

[tags: future, home, OLED, lamp]

Quoted: A Green Design Blog, Sustainable Design Blog, Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.

[tags: future, home, OLED, lamp]

From before the Spanish Conquest, cocoa and chocolate have been prescribed by doctors for a dizzying array of totally unrelated ailments and diseases, everything from dysentery (dissolve cocoa in water with a pinch of ground bones of your ancestors, as taken by the Aztecs) to “decayed health, weak lungs or scorbutic (relating to scurvy) tendencies” for which J.S. Fry & Son’s chocolate was recommended in the 1820s.

[tags: CulinaryAdventures, chocolate]

Quoted: Whether you are looking to cook a meal fit for an evening of fine dining, or just a quick and easy recipe to satisfy a craving, there is sure to be something in our recipe library that will strike your fancy. Not only do we feature delicious dishes from all over the world, but we also offer healthy recipes for a wide range of appetites. Videojug features vegetarian recipes, dessert recipes, drink recipes (including some of the most popular cocktails) as well as kid friendly meals. Our easy to follow directions will have you whipping up culinary masterpieces in no time. Grab your chef’s hat and get ready to start cooking like a pro!

[tags: recipes, video]

Quoted: Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person he or she knows and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people he or she knows, then everyone is an average of six "steps" away from each person on Earth.

[tags: community, network]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

23 May 2008

My Faves for Thursday, May 22, 2008

Quoted: Are you a Gmail, Facebook, Campfire or Pandora fanatic? Do you have 20 or more browser tabs open at all times? Are you tired of some random site or Flash ad crashing your browser and causing you to lose your (say) Google Docs data in another tab?

[tags: browser]

Quoted: The invention of the browser was a huge boon to the internet and a substantial amount of computing now goes on through that interface we've grown to love. ...

[tags: video, internet, browser]

Quoted: Wikipedia, which turned 7 this year, is a source of information for 683 million visitors every year. A poster child for user-generated content, Wikipedia has grown from its ...

[tags: search, wiki, wikipedia]

Quoted: Share information with a few people, a whole organization, or the entire world.

[tags: google]

Quoted: Tokoni, Life is full of stories. Tell yours

[tags: stories, community, sharing]

Quoted: Les PCB, ou PolyChloroBiphényles, sont des dérivés chimiques chlorés plus connus en France sous le nom de pyralènes. Depuis les années 1930, les PCB étaient très utilisés dans l’industrie pour leurs qualités d’isolation électrique, de lubrification et d’ininflammabilité. On les retrouvait notamment comme isolants dans les transformateurs électriques et les condensateurs, comme lubrifiants dans les turbines et les pompes ou comme composants d’huiles, de soudures, d’adhésifs, de peintures et de papiers autocopiants. Ils ont cessé d’être produits dans les années 80 et progressivement été retirés de la vente jusqu’en 1987.

[tags: france, Environnement, health, pollutants]

The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) evolved from the Toxicology Information Program (TIP) that was established in 1967 at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in response to recommendations made in the 1966 report "Handling of Toxicological Information," prepared by the President's Science Advisory Committee. The TIP objectives were to: (1) create automated toxicology data banks, and (2) provide toxicology information and data services. In the mid-1990's, the mission of TIP was expanded to include environmental health. TEHIP, by creating, organizing, and disseminating toxicology and environmental health information, now serves as a premier information portal for resources in these subject areas.

[tags: health, environment, pollutants]

Quoted: PCB health effects can take many forms, affecting several systems in the body.

[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]

Quoted: Dopamine levels are decreased by PCB chemical exposure, as shown by multiple research studies. Parkinsons Disease may result.

[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]

Quoted: Links to More Information
on Parkinson's Disease and Dopamine

[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]

A pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances used for preventing, controlling, or lessening the damage caused by a pest.[1] A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such as a virus or bacteria), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. Pests include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms) and microbes that compete with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are a vector for disease or cause a nuisance. Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals.

[tags: environment, health, pollutants]

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of organic compounds with 1 to 10 chlorine atoms attached to biphenyl which is a molecule composed of two benzene rings each containing six carbon atoms. The chemical formula for all PCBs is C12H10-xClx.

PCBs were used as coolants and insulating fluids for transformers and capacitors, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2]

PCB production was banned in the 1970s due to the high toxicity of most PCB congeners and mixtures. PCBs are classified as persistent organic pollutants which bioaccumulate in animals.

[tags: environment, health, pollutants]

Quoted: Free online Chinese dictionary - Powerful handwriting recognition tool, auto complete chinese pinyin function. nciku also provides unique and rich content. Please enjoy our powerful word-related services.

[tags: language, learning]

Quoted: Keyword Search Rankings

[tags: search]

At A123Systems we are working to advance the next generation of transportation by ushering in advanced vehicle technologies such as plug-in hybrid technology. Hymotion products bridge the current HEV-PHEV gap by enabling thousands of existing hybrids on the road to reach their full green potential now through conversion to plug-in hybrids. Our Hymotion product line was founded by industry veterans set out to design advanced green transportation systems that improved upon existing vehicles and could be used by consumers today. Hymotion became part of A123Systems in February 2007.

[tags: automotive, batteries]

Quoted: ZENN Motor Company, Toronto, Canada, is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of electric vehicles. Driven by quality, ingenuity and the goal of bringing the finest zero-emission vehicles to the market, the company combines global technology with a North American vision for the future of electric vehicles.

[tags: automotive, Electric car, environment]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

22 May 2008

My Faves for Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The idea that an airplane can fly endlessly carrying heavy loads of passengers and cargo without burning any fuel, can stop and hover in place weightless at any time, and can takeoff and land vertically is a radical departure from accepted thought concerning aviation

[tags: airplane, gravity, video]

Quoted: The Bush administration’s claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq formed the key justification for the war to Congress, the American people and the international community. As the former chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq, Hans Blix was at the center of the storm. From March 2000 to June 2003, Blix oversaw the UN Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission's 700 inspections at 500 sites in the run-up to the invasion. Blix is currently the chair of the Swedish government's Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission. His latest book, just published, is <i>Why Nuclear Disarmament Matters</i>. Blix joins us for the hour from Stockholm, Sweden. [includes rush transcript]

[tags: sweden, video]

Quoted: A Travel Air 2000 biplane made the world's first piloted flight under steam power over Oakland, California, on 12 April 1933.The strangest feature of the fli...

[tags: video]

Quoted: Centuries ago knowledge traveled with caravans between India to an area what we now call Middle East and back. It were mathematicians (called philosophers) that traveled along and passed the knowledge to people at their destination. Sometimes they were even invited to come over and amuse a king or other rulers in Mesopotamia, Turkey, Egypt, India and China. The same thing happened at courts in Europe, centuries later. Mostly they stayed several years at a king's court and it was no exception that they changed courts from one king to another thousands of miles away. Yet this is how scientists passed the science or knowledge they possessed.

[tags: history, computers]

Quoted: Andre Thi Truong is not often confused for the father of the personal computer - at least in the US, heartland of digital tech. But, as it turns out, the 61-year-old French Vietnamese entrepreneur is exactly that.

In 1973, two years before the debut of the famed Altair, his two-year-old company, R2E, created the Micral microcomputer based on an Intel 8008 processor - the genetic ancestor from which all PC generations have followed.

[tags: computers, history]

According to the Computer History Museum, the Micral N was the earliest commercial, non-kit personal computer based on a microprocessor, the Intel 8008. The name Micral means small in French slang.

André Truong Trong Thi (EFREI degree, Paris), a French immigrant from Vietnam and François Gernelle developed the Micral N computer for the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), starting in June 1972. Alain Perrier of INRA was looking for a computer for process control in his hygrometric measurements. The software was developed by Benchetrit, with Alain Lacombe and Jean-Claude Beckmann working on the electrical and mechanical aspects.

[tags: computers, history]

The first person to fly a powered, heavier than air vehicle (aeroplane) was Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, (who is more famous for his machine gun). On Tuesday 31st July 1894 at Baldwyn's Park (formerly the site of a mental hospital, now a housing estate) in the London Borough of Bexley, his flyer was launched for the first time and successfully flew.

[tags: history, flight]

Quoted: Despite Hillary Clinton's landslide victory in Kentucky, Barack Obama has won a majority of pledged delegates in the race for the Democratic nomination.

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

21 May 2008

My Faves for Tuesday, May 20, 2008

YouTomb is a research project by MIT Free Culture that tracks videos taken down from YouTube for alleged copyright violation.

More specifically, YouTomb continually monitors the most popular videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns. Any information available in the metadata is retained, including who issued the complaint and how long the video was up before takedown. The goal of the project is to identify how YouTube recognizes potential copyright violations as well as to aggregate mistakes made by the algorithm.

[tags: video, youtube]

Join the ultimate cookery experience on the web

1. Register for free and create your own personalised cookery book
2. Start storing all of your recipes from anywhere to one place
3. Share recipes and ideas with other foodies across the world

Quoted: For those of us who love cooking - Foodari allows you to store and share all your favourite recipes and connect with other foodies.

[tags: recipe, sharing]

Quoted: Choose from a large variety of airbrush effects, layouts, and color styles, and then let us apply them to your pics. Perfect for Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Wordpress, Xanga, or even give them as gifts. It is 100% free and no registration is required.

[tags: Photo improvement, photography, service]

Quoted: Create, distribute, track and monetize widgets.
Use Widgadgets to rapidly distribute your contents as viral widgets.

[tags: widget, creation]

Quoted: iRadeo is a free online radio platform that allows anyone to stream their MP3 / WAV files. Once installed, iRadeo will automatically detect and stream any supported file format that has been uploaded to the specified directory.

[tags: audio, streaming]

Quoted: ComfyPage is a product from Affinity Software. We're a company made up of two brothers in Perth, Western Australia. Our office is a cell in an old prison. Strictly speaking it's only big enough for one but we squeeze in.
Our Philosophy

In the past, websites have been difficult to create, difficult to maintain and too costly. We wanted an easy way to operate our own websites. Our colleagues wanted a website they could control and they didn't want to pay by the hour to do it. We answered their call. ComfyPage was designed to put website owners back in control. Create and update your website for a low cost. That's what we want for ourselves and for the world. We use ComfyPage for our websites so we know it works.

[tags: website, creation, utilities]

Quoted: For centuries great thinkers, philosophers and psychologist have been trying to find ways to determine the level of intelligence of a person. We think we got one step closer to solution. We know that everyone has got their own strong points and weak points. We give you the mix of questions and compare your answers to answers (and time it took to answer) of other people to exact the same questions. We re-calculate median and deviation of all answers and adjust IQ scores daily. Our IQ score actually means something!

[tags: IQ Test]

Quoted: VistaZoo is a customizable portal from where you can create stunning, professional Virtual Tours combining panoramas, pictures, video, audio, floorplans and objects in 3D. Your tours will be uploaded and placed on a map instantly. Once the tour has been created, you can easily embed it into any website in seconds. It works just like YouTube. Create and share instantly.

[tags: video, audio, presentations]

Quoted: AppCleaner 1.2 is a free application of OS X, that allows you to completely uninstall applications from your Mac easily and quickly. It is not sufficient to just delete an application, since installing an application distributes many files throughout your System. AppCleaner will find all of the files associated with the application and safely delete them. There are versions for both Tiger and Leopard.

[tags: mac, apple, software, utilities]

Quoted: Mobilanvändning under graviditeten kan ge beteendestörningar hos barn visar ny forskning - PC för Alla - En del av

[tags: health, mobile]

Quoted: The euro turns 10 next January, a milestone that will be marked with celebratory speeches, inch-thick scholarly papers and a commemorative two-euro coin, designed by a Greek sculptor. It was chosen from five candidates in an online poll of European residents.

[tags: Currency, europe, euro, eur]

Quoted: Truemors delivers an interesting mix of stories -- news, rumors, celebrities, science, tips, and more. Think of Truemors as NPR for your eyes.

[tags: news]

Quoted: Senator Barack Obama is poised to reach a milestone in the presidential race on Tuesday by capturing a majority of pledged delegates, but his advisers said he did not intend to declare victory in the long Democratic nominating fight against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton or suggest it should end until the final three contests are finished on June 3.

Quoted: The GOP mastermind is billed as a top campaign analyst for the cable news network. But he has his fingerprints all over John McCain's White House bid.

Quoted: The billionaire investor George Soros has given his gloomiest assessment yet of the state of the US and world economies.

[tags: business, future]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

20 May 2008

My Faves for Monday, May 19, 2008

Quoted: More and more gadgets are letting us cut the cord. From home theaters and headphones to routers and radios, wireless tech simplifies all kinds of connections.

[tags: home]

18 May 2008

My Faves for Saturday, May 17, 2008

References linking the origin of the Apple Computer logo to Alan Turing’s suicide can be found in Emily Blunt’s film review of “Enigma” at Another reference linking Turing’s suicide to the Apple Computer logo can be found at

[tags: apple, enigma, Alan Turing, logo]

You may have heard of “social media” before - but this is where you can find me on the social Web. You know, all the places I go to create content - or all the content I’m interested in sharing with the rest of my social network. I’m trying to be something other than anti-social, so feel free to add me as a friend on any one of the sites I happen to have a profile on!

[tags: social, Pirillo]

Chris Pirillo - WicketPixie:
Today, I’m officially unveiling my new theme for WordPress - and in a matter of days or weeks, after a few more tweaks, it will be available for you to download and install for your own WordPress blog (recommended v2.5 or later).

[tags: video, social, Pirillo, WordPress]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.