Recent FriendFeed entries

25 August 2007

My Dots for Friday, August 24, 2007

Quoted: - power to the people

[tags: webOS]

Quoted: An early look at a very pretty new Web OS

[tags: webOS]

Quoted: popurls is the mother of aggregators, the ultimate source for the latest web buzz and news | by thomas marban

[tags: news, aggregator]

Trauma and anxiety are the lot of a growing number of young people, as violence holds sway and traditional notions of the family disintegrate. But there are roads to recovery, says French globetrotting psychologist, Boris Cyrulnik

[tags: psychology, family, home]

24 August 2007

My Dots for Thursday, August 23, 2007

Quoted: start page for investors, traders, and stock market professionals

[tags: stocks, business]

Quoted: Free Press International is your source for uncensored news stories from all over the world. The site brings you stories about 9/11, Martial Law, freemasons, the new world disorder, mind control, police state, Yale’s Skull and Bones, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Weather Control among others. If conspiracy facts are your cup of tea, then Free Press International should be your number one destination. They’re uncovering the real truth. The site is basically a blog style news aggregator whose backgrounds and themes can be changed based on your aesthetic preference.

[tags: news, international]

[tags: news]

[tags: radio, internet, music]

Dans un village perdu des Alpes, au début du XIXe siècle, vit un jeune surdoué de la musique. Son talent inouï lui vaut d'être considéré comme un marginal par les habitants. Son amour sans borne pour une jeune fille de son village va le conduire à prendre une décision tragique...

Quoted: Frère sommeil

[tags: ARTE]

Robert Schneider,

Quoted: son premier roman Schlafes Bruder (Frère sommeil) connaît, dès sa parution en 1992, un énorme succès international. Traduit en vingt-quatre langues, il reçoit plusieurs récompenses, ...

[tags: arte]

Quoted: Deezer is the first free music on demand website. Come and discover more than 150.000 tracks, create your Playlists, upload your entire song library in your private space, no storage limit, and share your favorite songs with your friends!

[tags: music]

23 August 2007

My Dots for Wednesday, August 22, 2007

21st August 2007

The Rs 1-lakh (£1,250) car is not the only affordable car technology that Tata Motors will launch next year, believes India’s Economic Times, suggesting today that Tata has plans to start building cars whose MDI compressed air motor technology it acquired a licence for at the start of this year, as soon as 2008.

[tags: automotive, MDI]

Quoted: WetpaintPlease Touch: Create your own masterpiece at Forward and share with your friends, family and co-workers! Create your own free website at in 3 easy steps. Great for families, hobbies, causes, fan sites, and anything in between. Wetpaint combines the best elements of wikis, blogs, and social networks in a single application.

[tags: Wetpaint, Wetpaint Please Touch]

[tags: wetpaint, wiki, review]

Wetpaint powers websites that tap the power of collaborative thinking. The heart of the Wetpaint advantage is its ability to allow anyone — especially those without technical skill — to create and contribute to websites written for and by those who share a passion or interest. To do this, Wetpaint combines the best aspects of wikis, blogs, forums and social networks so anyone can click and type on the web.

[tags: wetpaint, wiki, online, blog]

Quoted: wetpaint, a startup in Seattle, WA, was on TV. Particularly delicious is the way the newscaster says "wiki".

[tags: video, wetpaint]

Quoted: Clean-tech is the new buzzword, thanks to global warming and soaring energy prices. Can investors profit?

[tags: nanotech, business]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

22 August 2007

My Dots for Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Quoted: Discover new music based on your mood, this free webradio let you browse music styles and epochs

[tags: musik]

Quoted: is a new content discovery service that helps members find amazing video, audio, and articles buried deep within the web. We make the Internet everything it isn't: simple, uncluttered, automatic, and dense with quality content. Join now and change the way you use the Internet forever. Cultural Events, Performances, Speeches, Interviews, Documentaries, Music, Movies, TV Shows, University Lectures, Articles, and more!

[tags: discovery service, search]

Quoted: Wireless Television, live tv, live tv on internet, online live tv, internet tv and internet tv download .

[tags: tv, wireless, online live tv, internet tv]

Quoted: 2 Months ago I first heard about WiTV - A new Joost contender that offered a couple of cool features including integration with Apple products ...

[tags: tv, video]

Quoted: Profy is a multi-author blog about Web 2.0, Internet trends, startups. Profy discusses Internet news and products launched daily and reviews Web 2.0 solutions and websites.

[tags: startup, blog]

Quoted: is a human guided search service that guides people through their queries via a striking visual platform. The service uses intuitive site visualizations to guide users...

[tags: search, visual]

Quoted: provides a web interface that can be used to store and retrieve data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any user highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage platform.

[tags: storage, online]

Quoted: Free Online MP3 Music Search Engine

[tags: search, music, online]

Quoted: Created for scientists by scientists, SciVee provides synchronization tools and resources that connect science publications to media rich online video communication for scientific research communities.

[tags: science, video]

Quoted: Teqlo has created a mashup app that is supposed to rev up your GTD abilities. Using Teqlo you’re able to whip up and personalize your own widgets. The best part is, even the non-technically adroit can handle Teqlo. It works using drag and drop features; there’s no coding involved whatsoever. The Teqlo homepage doubles as your start page; you can customize tasks and info from there. This is also where you start building new mash-ups and widgets from existing applications. All your widgets can be exported from any app you create to a personal website or another widget service. So, for example, you could configure Teqlo to map out sales leads and list them for contact calls, if you’re in the sales business. Or you could set up automatic notifications of events, or manage employee schedules. Whatever it is you need to get done, Teqlo is there to make it easier.

[tags: widgets]

[tags: skype]

Quoted: Revo Pico Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Internet Radio - Unlike other internet radios you can let the Revo Pico Wi-Fi off the leash, take it for walks and it will reward you with hours of entertainment. Man's best friend now has some serious competition...

[tags: internet radio]

Quoted: Wifi Radio Review

[tags: internet radio]

Quoted: Reciva Internet Radio portal provides you with thousands of streams from around the world to play on your PC or Internet Radio.

[tags: internet radio]

The expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation means that, despite America's strong disapproval, a multi-polar global order is emerging.

[tags: politics]

Up to a million people on income support will be eligible for half fares on London's buses under Ken Livingstone's oil deal with Hugo Chávez, Venezuela's president.

"Bristen på artighet är total"
"Allt fantastiskt som Sverige har borde applåderas högre. Samtidigt borde vår beundran för USA riktas mot allt det som gör vardagen där så många grader varmare", skriver DN:s förra utrikeskorrespondent Georg Cederskog.

[tags: sweden, usa]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

21 August 2007

My Dots for Monday, August 20, 2007

Mer än en kvarts miljon svenskar lider av svår "oförklarlig" smärta eller en extrem trötthet. De flesta av de drabbade är kvinnor och förr avfärdades symtomen som "käringsjuka". I dag visar forskningen att fibromyalgi och kroniskt trötthetssyndrom (ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) faktiskt går att diagnostisera. Attityderna inom vården börjar långsamt förändras.

[tags: fms]

Quoted: Calendar of 2008 State Primaries/Caucuses

Quoted: scene from the movie "le grand restaurant"

[tags: video]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

20 August 2007

My Dots for Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quoted: As genealogical societies and Web sites proliferate and DNA testing becomes more widely available, researching family roots has become a passion for many Americans.

[tags: history, software, genealogy]

[tags: video, blog]

Quoted: William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington) is the co-founder, chairman, former chief software architect, and former CEO of Microsoft.

[tags: gates, microsoft, video, interview]

Quoted: An overview of features found on

[tags: video, streamy, rss, sharing, community]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

19 August 2007

My Dots for Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quoted: Discover the fastest iMac ever, with 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo processing, iLife '06, built-in iSight, and more.

[tags: apple, mac, iMac]

Quoted: The Internet Utilities category of Mac OS X Downloads.

[tags: apple, mac, internet, utilities]

Quoted: Solutions for integrating Macintosh and Windows

[tags: mac, windows, integration, apple]

Quoted: Camino is a Mac OS X-native browser built on Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine.

[tags: camino, mac, browser, blogs]

Quoted: Camino is a Mac OS X-native browser built on Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine.

[tags: firefox, web, Mac, apple, browser, camino]

[tags: google, mac, apple]

[tags: mac, apple, OSX, tips]

[tags: google, apple, blogs]

At the World Wide Developer Conference, Apple announced the availability of Safari 3 for the Windows operating system. Today, we put the Safari 3 beta to the test to see how it compares to Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 on Windows. What we found didn't impress us very much. Although Safari offers slightly faster page loading, the beta is extremely unstable and suffers from interface deficiencies that make its value on the Windows platform questionable at best.

[tags: safari, windows, firefox, IE7, review, comparison]

Quoted: Free tips, articles, tutorials on web design, promotion, PHP, CGI, JavaScript scripting, and earning money from your website

[tags: web, design, tips]

Quoted: Review of the free Google Page Creator WYSIWYG online web page wizard and editor

[tags: google, PageCreator, web, creation]

At the release of Safari 3 beta for Windows, there were several claims about Safari's page load performance. It was giving results that showed it was clearly faster than other browsers. Since I generally like to check things for myself instead of trusting what companies say, I gave the new Safari a whirl. Sure enough it was very fast. Its CSS was quick, its page loading was quick, its JavaScript was quick. Perhaps quick, but certainly not as fast as they seemed to claim it was.

[tags: browser, safari, windows]

Quoted: Leopard collects hundreds of features into one OS so innovative, it will completely transform your Mac. A dramatic new desktop. One-click data time travel. The power to see inside files without opening them. Discover the future of your Mac. Take a tour of the top features in Mac OS X Leopard.

[tags: leopard, os, apple]

[tags: apple, OS, Leopard]

Quoted: Google has released a Mac version of its Google Desktop search tool.

[tags: google, apple]

Quoted: There's a growing number of voices speculating, much as I did in this column in August of 2006, that Apple might migrate its customers who use the .Mac service over to Google, in light of Google's growing set free online...

[tags: google, apple]

Quoted: This is far from scientific, but I can tell you that there were an OVERWHELMING number of MacBooks at Gnomedex this year - including two of ours (one sponsored by Lijit and the other sponsored by Blue Sky Factory)...

[tags: vista]

I download a ton of stuff - movies; music; software; images; documents. By default, all these digital files end up in the same directory if you use the download manager built into Firefox. MoveIt2 helps keep all this stuff organized, without needing to specify a location every time I download something.

[tags: file management, download]

Quoted: Solar Energy Information. Read the latest news and techniques for efficient solar photovoltaic power, new solar energy systems and more.

[tags: solar, news]

Quoted: Gadget blog from CNET. Gadget news, reviews, tips, iphone, electronics and high tech stuff.

[tags: gadgets]

This installation is projected to produce enough electricity for approximately 1,000 California homes or 30% of Google's peak electricity demand in our solar powered buildings at our Mountain View, CA headquarters.

We built this page to monitor and share the day to day production of clean, renewable energy from our very own rooftops. Keep checking in to see how we're doing. We think the future looks bright!

[tags: google, solar, EnergyTechnologies]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.