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20 August 2008

2012 and the End of the World

A Mayan calendar column in Quirigua, Yucatan
Stringer/Getty Images
A Mayan calendar column in Quirigua, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, Aug. 13, 1929.
We can blame it all on the Mayans. They created the Long Count Calendar,a time measurement system that had spiritual significance to theirculture. They organized their calendar into several cycles, the last ofwhich will end in December 2012. Some people think the Mayans haddiscovered that after 2012, the world would end.

Thereare dozens of theories about how this might happen. Some claim that2012 is when the Earth will experience a polar shift.Others say that after 2012, the Earth will experience a period ofterrible destruction followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment.A few claim that in 2012, a secret government will accomplish its goalof total world domination. What will actually happen? Check back withus (HowStuffWorks) on Jan. 1, 2013.

Mayan calendar
Stephen Sweet/Dreamstime
A traditional Mayan calendar

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