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04 November 2008 still alive, but on life support


I got a chance to chat today with Mike Koss, the angel investor andformer Microsoft developer who heads the Seattle Internet incubator

It was a good news, bad news conversation. Koss was excited to show off a neat litte application called thathe built over the past few weeks using Google's App Engine. The serviceshortens URLs to 16 characters, rather than the 25 characters fromcompeting service TinyURL, and provides some unique features like theability to see the most popular links on the home page.

And the bad news? As suspected, Koss' other Internet company -- is on the ropes. The social networking startup, formerly known asBlue Dot and backed with about $2 million in angel financing, laid offits remaining two employees about a month ago.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

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