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19 September 2008


book cover

The Truthdig Book Review Edited by Steve Wasserman
"Does the Cold War Have Lessons for Today?"-- Carolyn Eisenberg takes a close look at Melvyn Leffler's "For theSoul of Mankind" to ask whether our current troubles are rooted in ahistory that continues to haunt.


"Robert Scheer on the Economic Meltdown"-- Truthdig's editor in chief warns against thinking about the economiccrisis as an "act of God," saying "this is man-made" and that theindividuals responsible are well known and entirely too influential inthe current election.


Patrick Cockburn on Petraeus's Departure
"Farewell, General—but Did You Bring Iraq Hope?"-- Gen. Petraeus' oft-declared uncertainty about the future stabilityof Iraq is genuine. It is the Shiites and their Iranian backers, notthe Americans, who are the true victors in the Iraqi war.


Marie Cocco on the Economic Crisis
"Fiddling While Wall Street Burns"-- Obama shows more promise than McCain, if only because he correctlysees deregulatory zeal as a culprit. But Obama's economic strategysimply can't be implemented now: He wants to spend on necessaryinvestments such as health care, but would have no money to do it. 

Joe Conason on McCain and Social Security
"The 'Reform' McCain Wants to Forget"-- With the markets in frightening turmoil and the public outraged byfinancial irresponsibility and excessive greed, John McCain hassuddenly rediscovered the importance of strong, watchful government.

E.J. Dionne on Obama's Key Battleground State
"The Battle for Michigan" -- If he carries Michigan, many routes to victory are open for Barack Obama. Without Michigan, he's got a big problem.

Amy Goodman on the Wall Street Bailout
"Wall Street Socialists"-- With financial institutions begging for bailouts, taxpayers shouldbe in the driver's seat. Instead, decisions that will cost people fordecades are being made behind closed doors, by the wealthy, by theregulators and by those they have failed to regulate.

Ellen Goodman on Women and the Presidential Election
"Sisterhood of the Flummoxed Female Voters"-- Three weeks after the nomination of the Candidate From Nowhere, oneweek after the robo-interview with Charlie Gibson and days after the"Saturday Night Live" skit, there is still a flood tide of womenchoking on the possibility that Hillary Clinton paved the way for SarahPalin.

William Pfaff on the Death of Free-Market Capitalism
"Reality Catches Up to the Free Market"-- Karl Marx, were he still about, would surely be interested in thereport that unregulated free-market capitalism has died in a flash, byits own hand; whereas it took 70 years and a Cold War to bring down theMarxist economy established in the Soviet Union following the BolshevikRevolution.

Eugene Robinson on McCain and the Economy
"This Is the Man Who's Going to Fix the Economy?"-- John McCain was telling the truth when he said that economics wasn'this strong suit. In response to what many economists have called theworst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Republicannominee has sounded—and let's be honest here—totally, embarrassinglyand dangerously clueless.

David Sirota on Obama's Wall Street Buddies
"No Time for a Minimalist"-- Barack Obama isn't going to win any arguments about the economy ifhe keeps winking at the robber barons who helped wreck Wall Street.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

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