Recent FriendFeed entries

25 May 2008

My Faves for Saturday, May 24, 2008

Quoted: SJ har köpt in 20 nya snabbtåg från Bombardier. Tågen ska sättas in på sträckor där det idag går X2000-tåg, för att man ska kunna förlänga X2000-tågen på de trafiktyngda sträckorna Stockholm-Göteborg och Stockholm-Malmö.

[tags: sweden, train, travel, transport]

Quoted: Company's flagship plasma TV can stream YouTube videos and access digital photos stored on the Picasa photo service, among other IPTV-related features.

[tags: video, tv, youtube, Picasa]

Quoted: Mozilla, which oversees development of the open-source Web browser, said it will release the final version when add-ons catch up.

[tags: firefox, internet, apple]

Quoted: Sure, it gets you better data. But what if the insurance companies get it?

[tags: health, google]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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