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25 January 2008

My Faves for Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quoted: IIt is good to see some creative licensing finally taking hold in the music industry. Today, CBS-owned announced that you can now stream the full track of any song up to three times for free, in addition to its regular music-discovery service which streams related songs you might like in a random order.

[tags: music, search]

Google Health, codename “Weaver”, is Google’s planned health information storage program.

[tags: health, google]

Quoted: Spotted by Google Blogscoped is a login page for Google Health, Google's entry into the online health records space. At the time of ...

[tags: google, health]

Last night for dinner I made a basic potato cake. I grated two medium Yukon Gold potatoes onto a clean towel, then squeezed out the excess moisture. I put the potato into a bowl, seasoned it with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then mixed in a beaten egg.

[tags: recipes]

Société Générale, one of the largest banks in Europe, was thrown into turmoil Thursday after it revealed that a rogue employee who has disappeared executed a series of "elaborate, fictitious transactions" that cost the company more than $7 billion, the biggest loss ever recorded in the financial industry by a single trader.

Quoted: Société Générale loses $7 billion in trading fraud

[tags: finance, banking, france]

Jérôme Kerviel, qui aurait causé une perte de 4.9 milliards d'euros à la Société Générale, demeure introuvable. Son avocate prétend cependant «qu'il est à disposition de la justice.»

Quoted: Sociétés françaises : Un seul trader à l'origine de la fraude

[tags: finance, france, banking]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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