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11 September 2007

My Dots for Monday, September 10, 2007

You've heard the story. Bill Gates and Microsoft became a hugely successful business after it bought DOS from a small computer store in Seattle and licensed it to IBM. But what really happened? Did you know that Bill Gates didn't want the operating system business at first, for instance? Did you know that Gary Kildall, founder of Digital Research and inventor of CPM (the other operating system being considered for IBM PCs) was flying the day that IBM came visiting?

[tags: computer history]

Quoted: A wiki-based directory of open source and commercial software, including reviews, ratings, articles and detailed product feature comparisons

[tags: reviews, software, directory]

imeem is an online community where artists, fans & friends can promote their
content, share their tastes, and discover new blogs, photos, music and video.

[tags: music, video, blogs, photos]

Quoted: Many IT professionals want to be notified when the software they use has been updated, but they don't want to be inundated with e-mail from the company they purchased the software from. At the same time, they don't want to be out of the loop when an important patch or bug fix is released. ITerating, a new catalog of open-source and commercial software,

[tags: GR]

Using a server in a home that connects wirelessly to an external WiMax base station, video and data broadband content can be delivered to Wi-Fi-enabled devices like set-top boxes, mobile phones, and PCs, Pace said.

[tags: tv, WiMax, wireless]

Quoted: Like Picasa from Google, Windows Live Photo Gallery is free desktop software from Microsoft for managing your pictures and videos - the software works on both XP and Windows Vista. Having worked with both the software for some time now, here's a quick review and comparison of Windows Live Photo Gallery with Picasa (do not confuse Picasa desktop software

[tags: GR]

In the next major release of Mac OS X Leopard, Apple will include a new technology called Boot Camp that lets you install and run Windows on your Mac. If you have an Intel-based Mac computer and would like to try Boot Camp, you can download the public beta today.

[tags: os x, leopard, imac]

Quoted: Windows Vista Ultimate is the most complete edition of Windows Vista—with the power, security, and mobility features that you need for work, and all of the entertainment features that you want for fun.

[tags: vista]

Quoted: Leopard collects hundreds of features into one OS so innovative, it will completely transform your Mac. A dramatic new desktop. One-click data time travel. The power to see inside files without opening them. Discover the future of your Mac. Take a tour of the top features in Mac OS X Leopard.

[tags: imac, OS X, Leopard]

These are exciting days in Washington, as the government directs its energies to the demanding task of “containing Iran” in what Washington Post correspondent Robin Wright, joining others, calls “Cold War II.”

[tags: security, history]

Quoted: Download or watch free streaming videos on computers, technology, Windows, music videos, movie trailers, and more on

[tags: video, tv]

Quoted: Quand la TV devient Net. Cliquez. Regardez. Vibrez !

[tags: video, tv]

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.