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16 July 2007

My Dots for Sunday, July 15, 2007

Quoted: South Korean researchers say they've broken the 5 percent organic PV cell efficiency barrier.

[tags: solar]

Quoted: Ford förbereder en försäljning av Volvo Personvagnar och begär åtta miljarder dollar för sitt svenska bilmärke, drygt 53 miljarder kronor, uppger Sunday Times.

[tags: automotive]

Quoted: Neuron-loving protein could treat Parkinson's The discovery of a new protein that can protect, and even rescue, damaged dopamine neurons could significantly impact future Parkinson's

[tags: pd]

Quoted: Novel neurotrophic factor CDNF protects and rescues midbrain dopamine neurons in vivo

[tags: pd]

Quoted: Scientists have discovered a protein which may help to slow, or even reverse symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: The demonstration of Microsoft's LiveStation last week shone the spotlight back on the live P2P television market. Whilst P2P on-demand video participants such ...

[tags: tv, video, P2P]

Bright outlook for solar cells
Nanotechnology could transform solar cells from niche products to devices that provide a significant fraction of the world's energy, as Edwin Cartlidge discusses

[tags: SolarEnergy]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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