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23 April 2007

My Dots for Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nicolas Sarkozy et Ségolène Royal en tête d'une élection à la participation historique

Quoted: LE MONDE, Journal Le Monde, quotidien d'information francophone / Le Monde, the french quality newspaper of record

[tags: France, election]

Feel free to use SuTree to learn everything: how to fix stuff at home, how to solve math problems, how to improve your golf or basketball skills, how to prepare quality recipes, how to speak foreign languages, how to maintain you car, how to choose your next holiday destination . or anything else you'd like to know.

Quoted: SuTree - social bookmarking and index of free video lessons, how to, tutorials, lectures and Do It Yourself

[tags: learning, DIY]

Quoted: is the most comprehensive music news community on the Internet, covering over 1,000 popular music artists and offering more than 500 news articles every week.

[tags: music, artists, community, news]

WifiTastic puts you in control of your hotspot.

* You set the rates!

* Charge by the hour, day or by the month.

* Customers can pay by credit card and connect instantly.

* We'll help you to set up your hotspot.

* We handle the billing.

* We pay you 60% of the proceeds.

[tags: charge]

Our YouTube bots just pulled down the 5,000th music video from YouTube last night, so we’re right on course for our launch date on May 5th. The bots just finished indexing music videos from two of the major recording studios — Universal and Warner Bros — which constitute the majority of the music videos on YouTube.

We’re not done yet, though — we’re expecting over 10,000 videos by launch date, plus a few hundred added each week after Middio goes public.

Stay tuned for more progress updates!

Quoted: Uniting music videos

[tags: music, video, blogs]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.