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18 November 2008

Years-old rumors that Apple will roll out a line of Internet-connected displays have resurfaced in reports that suggest the company will bundle its Apple TV product within a new line of HDTVs.

In a report referencing a rumor floated by Mahalo chief JasonCalacanis, who claims that he knows "first-hand" that Apple is workingon what's described as a networked television, CNET writer Nate Lanxon noted that the assertion "isn't surprising" given Apple's 30-inch Cinema Display.

Back in January 2007, American Technology analyst Shaw Wu supported such rumors with a research notestating that the company was working on "large screen" technologieswithin its development labs. "We are not certain on timing but ouranalysis indicates that AAPL is beyond prototype on large-screentechnologies (for a larger monitor or possibly Apple-branded HDTV)," headvised clients at the time.

However, that was nearly two years ago. Since then, Apple has continuedto sell video projectors from Epson and NEC in both its online andphysical retail stores but does not sell HDTVs in either, indicatingthat the company hasn't exactly rushed to enter the HDTV market. Anumber of cost and usefulness factors have likely come into play.

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Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

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