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02 August 2008

Inside iPhone 2.0: iPhone 3G vs. other smartphones

August 1st, 2008 

Inside iPhone 2.0: iPhone 3G vs. other smartphones


As detailed in the previous segment introducing its hardwarefeatures, the second generation iPhone 3G catches up with two of thelargest competitive features offered by other higher-end smartphones:faster 3G network access and GPS. Here's a look at how Apple'ssmartphone compares in other areas, as well as how it stacks up againstthe original iPhone.
Continues: Inside iPhone 2.0: iPhone 3G vs. other smartphones

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This week on, Robert Lang talks about re-inventing origami as an art and a science (and then Bruno Bowden folds one of Lang's intricate designs -- in 2 minutes, blindfolded). Architecture critic Reed Kroloff gives us a new lens to see modern architecture, and bioengineer Kwabena Boahen shares some research about how computers can learn from our brains. Futurist Kevin Kelly, meanwhile, suggests that the Web will soon become one great big interlinked machine -- possibly within the next 5,000 days.


Robert Lang: Idea + square = origami
Robert Lang is a pioneer of the newest kind of origami -- using mathand engineering principles to fold mind-blowingly intricate designsthat are beautiful and, sometimes, very useful. Watch this talk >>



Bruno Bowden and Rufus Cappadocia: Blindfolded origami, with music
After Robert Lang's talk on origami at TED2008, Bruno Bowden steppedonstage with a challenge -- he would fold one of Lang's astonishinglyintricate origami figures, blindfolded, in under 2 minutes. He'saccompanied by the cellist Rufus Cappadocia. Watch this talk >>


Kwabena Boahen: Designing a chip that works like the brain
Researcher Kwabena Boahen is looking for ways to mimic the brain'ssupercomputing powers in silicon -- because the messy, redundantprocesses inside our heads actually make for a small, light, superfastcomputer. Watch this talk >>



Kevin Kelly: The Web's next 5,000 days
At the 2007 EG conference, Kevin Kelly shares a fun stat: The WorldWide Web, as we know it, is only 5,000 days old. Now, Kelly asks, howcan we predict what's coming in the next 5,000 days? Watch this talk >>



Reed Kroloff: Architecture, modern and romantic
Reed Kroloff gives us a new lens for judging new architecture: is ittechnocratic, or is it romantic? Look for glorious images from twoleading practices -- and a blistering critique of the planning processfor rebuilding Ground Zero. Watch this talk >>


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Barbra Streisand - Woman in Love

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The Weather

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Jango - Music

Jango is all about making online music easy, fun and social.

Justtype in an artist - and your first station starts playing right away.You'll get the music you want, along with similar favorites of Jangousers who share your taste. Customizing your stations further is justas easy. Just add more artists and rate songs that you want to playmore or less.

You can also tune in to other people's stations- and they can tune in to yours! In your player, you'll see who'slistening to the same music as you, who's listening to your stations,and what your friends are playing.

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Democracy Now!

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01 August 2008


With the new Outpost function in Posterous, I have, automatically, all my Posterous posts and Faves bookmarks (they have a similar function) in one single Blogger blog.
Another hit from the Posterous Team.

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The Peacemaker
By Bill Boyarsky
 * NEW! * McCain's Evil Twin
By Eugene Robinson

Ear to the Ground

A/V Booth

Arts & Culture
Nikki Keddie on Iran
By Nikki Keddie

Inside the Data Mine

Dig led by Onnesha Roychoudhuri

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The Weather

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Democracy Now!

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Democracy Now!

Listen/Watch July 31, 2008

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Raj Patel on the Collapse of the World Trade Organization Talks


Talks to expand the World Trade Organization havecollapsed after a week of negotiations. The talks broke down in partbecause India and other developing nations demanded the right toprotect their farming sectors against heavily subsidized imports. TheUS refused to accept the protections and insisted on giving UScorporations greater access to markets in India, China and othernations. [includes rush transcript]

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

31 July 2008

13 Startups Working on Solar Concentrating PV

We're all familiar with standardphotovoltaic solar panels, and many of us are starting to becomefamiliar with solar thermal tech that uses the sun's heat to generatepower, but there's also a third option. Over a dozen startups areworking on ways to use mirrors and lenses to concentrate sunlighthundreds of times onto tiny highly-efficient solar cells. Calledconcentrating photovoltaic technology (CPV) the systems are meant tocut back on one of the most expensive parts of traditional PV: thesilicon-based solar panel.

CPV startups say the latest tech can provide solar systems at alower cost per watt but with as much or more power. There are highconcentrating systems and low concentrating systems, but most of thecompanies are trying overcome the expensive silicon shortage. Thoughmany companies are just starting to bring products to market, and thesystems seem to require a lot of moving parts, these 13 companies areworking out the details:

SolFocus:The Mountain View, Calif.-based company is only a little over 2 yearsold, but has been amassing significant funds from well-known Valleyfirms to deploy its CPV systems. The startup already raised $95 millionby New Enterprise Associates, Moser Baer India, David Gelbaum,Metasystem Group, NGEN Partners and Yellowstone Capital, and is reported to be looking to add between $60 million and $80 million in a Series C round.

The company also has a serious presence in Spain. It's sistercompany SolFocus Europe has offices in Madrid, Spain, and this week thecompany said it had completed the first 200 kW installation of a 3 MWconcentrating solar PV plant owned by Spain's Institute ofConcentration Photovoltaic Systems (ISFOC).

Cyrium Technologies: Cyrium makes the multi-junction solar cells for concentrating PV systems — these cells have to be . Just this weekthe company says it has closed a Series B round of $15 million infunding led by David Gelbaum's Quercus Trust, and including BDC VentureCapital, Chrysalix Energy VentureCapital, and Pangaea Ventures.

Solar Systems Tech: Founded in 1991 by John Lasich, the Hawthorne, Victoria, Australia-based company Solar Systemshas developed the "CS500 dish concentrator PV unit," which stands 14meters high, has 112 curved mirrors (each 1.2 square meters) and tracksthe sun on a mounted steel frame. The company only sells solar powerplants with a minimum of 8 dishes, and says the CS500 produces up to 30percent more electricity per installed watt and is cheaper perinstalled watt than traditional PV.

GreenVolts: GreenVoltsis a three-year-old San Francisco-based solar startup that sells asun-tracking concentrating PV system called the CarouSol that canconcentrate sun light by 625 times. GreenVolts says the system canproduce energy at less than half the cost of traditional PV.

In 2006 the company won the California Cleantech Open businesscompetition, and a year later raised a $10 million Series A round ledby Greenlight Energy Resources and included Avista and other investors.Earlier this month the company said it was looking to raise funding of "less than $100 million" later this year.

Concentrix Solar: The Freiburg, Germany-based companywas spun out of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in2005. The company sells concentrating PV plants called Flatcon, whichthe company says produce electricity 10 to 20 percent cheaper thanstandard PV.

For about 2 years the company has been operating a pilot productionline and by the end of the summer plans to have started up another 25MW production line. Concentrix is backed by Good Energies and AbengoaSolar and has a joint venture with Abengoa, called Concentrix Iberia,for the Spanish markets.

Silicon Valley Solar:The two year old company was founded by Patrick Callinan and backed bya $10.2 million Series A round from Bessemer Venture Partners. Thecompany's Sol-X concentrator is a flat plate internal concentrator,which is low cost and delivers 2 times concentration and reducessilicon by 50 percent. The system also doesn't rely on a trackingsystem, so there are less moving parts (something that can add to thecost and complexity of the system).

Energy Innovations:"EI" is a startup that makes a variety of solar photovoltaic products,including the Sunflower, which the company claims is "the world's firsthigh-concentration PV system for both commercial rooftop andground-mounted applications." Energy Innovations is backed by BillGross (dotcom entrepreneur turned cleantech investor) and his Idealabincubator, as well as Mohr Davidow.

Soliant Energy:Soliant's rooftop concentrating solar panels are the same dimension andweight as convention PV panels, so are much easier to install than manyof the other CPV systems out there. The systems use triple junctioncells that can deliver 40 percent efficiency, and the lensesconcentrate the sunlight by 500 times.

Amonix:The Torrance, Calif.-based Amonix is almost 2 decades old, which hasgiven them a chance to go through 6 generations of improvements ontheir high concentration PV systems. The lenses concentrate thesunlight over 500 times and the company says it manufactures its highefficiency solar cells "at existing microelectronic chip manufacturingfoundries," which can deliver significant cost savings.

Green & Gold Energy:This Australian startup was formed in 2005 with $250K in seed fundingfrom the founder. The company has now grown large enough to havecommitted 400 MW per year of its SunCube concentrating solar PVsystems. The company only officially launched its SunCube technology inFebruary of this year but says it intends to 1 GW of SunCubemanufacturing facilities around the world. G&GE also claims it has"placed the largest CPV industry order to date for 105 MWs of Emcore'sworld leading 1,000 sun concentrator cells."

Pyron solar: We first heard about Pyron Solarwhen the company raised a Series A financing from New Energies Investfor its concentrating solar PV systems. The company, which isheadquartered in San Diego, Calif., has a working 6.6 kW prototype ofits unusual solar system that floats in water, which helps to cool thesystem and can prevent it from damage. The solar setup uses three15-meter-in-diameter arrays on a 2-axis tracker and multi-junction PVcells from Spectrolab.

Sol3g: Like SolFocus solar concentrating PV system maker Sol3gis building out a part of the 3 MW solar system that belongs toInstitute of Concentration Photovoltaic Systems in Castilla La Mancha.Founded in 2004 company is based in Cerdanyola, Spain and says thesurface of solar cells are 400 times smaller than that of a traditionalPV system, "with the consequent cost saving."

Cool Earth Solar: You might have seen pictures of this one across the web;the solar system that looks like a oversized foil baloon. Cool EarthSolar's makes inflated mirror concentrators with one half reflectivemylar and the other, clear film. Inside the bubble is a high-efficiencyPV receiver. The system is supposed to be designed to be lightweightand easy enough to string up but rugged enough to withstand 100 mphwinds. In February the company said it had raised $21 million.

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McCain Tries to Define Obama as Out of Touch

The New York Times
After spending much of the summer searching for an effective line of attack against Senator Barack Obama, Senator John McCain is beginning a newly aggressive campaign to define Mr. Obama as arrogant, out of touch and unprepared for the presidency.

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My Faves for Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quoted: 2008/07/29 - This is a time to condemn the bankers, not to embrace them. They are the scoundrels who got us into the biggest economic mess since the Great Depression, lining their own pockets while destroying the life savings of those who trusted them.  - Sucking Up to the Bankers: A Bipartisan Lovefest

[tags: banks]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

30 July 2008

My Faves for Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quoted: Solar hot water could help states with the increasingly difficult task of meeting renewable portfolio standards (RPS). Elisa Wood explores this new market opening for the oft-neglected technology.
Solar hot water heating is a bit like the brilliant actor who never wins a blockbuster movie deal. The technology receives great reviews, but has yet to hit the big time in the US energy market.

Using the sun to heat water has taken a backseat, in particular, to its sister technology, photovoltaics, which uses sunlight to generate electricity.

[tags: solar]

Quoted: Besieged by problems such as unavailable site access, and paltry and irrelevant search returns, Cuil, the new search engine launched Monday, has drawn the wrath of users.

"I tried it for an hour," wrote a commentator on the TG Daily Website. "Any multi-word search generated completely useless results, which seemed completely random. By contrast, Google comes up with quality, relevant results. Cuil works about as well as if I typed random URLs into the browser. Absolutely useless!"

[tags: google, search]

Quoted: An Ottawa neurologist is part of an international research team that has uncovered a link between the genetics of blood cells and the brain cells that cause Parkinson's disease, opening the door to research that could lead to new treatments.

[tags: pd]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

28 July 2008

My Faves for Sunday, July 27, 2008

SnapNDrag lets you take a screenshot by just clicking a button and dragging the resulting screenshot off.

[tags: screen capture]

Economie. Des investisseurs toulousains veulent créer une usine de fabrication de la MDI « OneCats », la première voiture qui roule à l'air comprimé.

[tags: automotive, mdi]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

27 July 2008

My Faves for Saturday, July 26, 2008

Quoted: iPhone 3G combines three products in one - a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device. It features 3G, built-in GPS, and the best email, web browsing, and search ever on a mobile device. With its Multi-Touch interface, iPhone 3G redefines what a mobile phone can do.

[tags: iphone, apple, mobile]

Apple announced the iPhone on 9 January 2007.[30] The announcement was preceded by rumors and speculations that circulated for several months.[31] The iPhone was initially introduced in the United States on 29 June 2007 and is in the process of being introduced worldwide. It was named Time magazine's Invention of the Year in 2007.[32] On 11 July 2008, the iPhone 3G was released and supported faster 3G data speeds and Assisted GPS.[29]

[tags: apple, software, mobile, iPhone]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.