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09 April 2011



C'est un commercial de Coca qui revient du Moyen-Orient très remonté.

Il y était parti pour développer la marque là-bas.

Son ami lui demande "alors, pourquoi n'as-tu pas réussi avec les Arabes ? "

Il lui répond : " quand j'ai été envoyé au Moyen-Orient, j'étais très confiant de pouvoir faire de bonnes

ventes car Coca-cola n'est pas connu là-bas. Mais le problème était que je ne parlais pas arabe. J'ai

donc fait passer le message à travers 3 images….

la 1ère image présentait un homme allongé dans le sable chaud du désert, totalement faible et


la 2ème présentait un homme buvant du Coca….

la 3ème photo montrait notre homme totalement rafraichi….. »

Et ces panneaux furent publiés dans toute la ville……

« Ben ça aurait dû bien marcher ? » lui répond son ami….

« Un putain d'enfer ouais !!!! » lui répond le commercial……

« Je ne savais pas que les arabes lisaient de droite à gauche »…….


Posted via email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

Spain Dodges Fallout From Portugal Bailout Request

Cloud Touch Facebook phone clears FCC


INQ has received word that the Cloud Touch Facebook Phone has cleared the FCC. Dubbed simply “The Facebook Phone,” the Cloud Touch will likely head to AT&T since testing included support for GSM 850 and 1900 bands, as well as WCDMA Bands II and V. There’s no word on when the Cloud Touch will make it to MaBell, or how much it will run, but analysts looking at pricing and availability in Europe speculate that the device will sell for about $500 unsubsidized or $30 with a two year deal from AT&T. And although we don’t have a launch date just yet, the 180 day request for non disclosure should put this in AT&T stores sometime in late summer or early fall, if guessing correctly.

Specs for the Cloud Touch Facebook Phone include a Qualcomm MSM7227 800MHz processor, 3.5” touch screen, 512MB of internal storage, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. In addition, it will run Android 2.2 (Froyo) out of the box, which is a drag, but considering it’s relatively slower processor, it’s not going to be doing a lot of high end applications. The heart of the phone is it’s Facebook applications, including status updates, chat places, and events. Additionally, Facebook’s Social graphing application will enable users who live on the site daily to get updates directly from those they interact with the most.

The phone is also a 5MP camera, but I wouldn’t expect HD considering the low power of the processor and screen. So while users will be able to upload images and videos directly to … you guessed it … Facebook, they’re likely not to be in high definition. But at least users will have a full slide up QWERTY to type with. If this phone doesn’t float your boat, there are two more Facebook phones coming down the pipe this summer as well, including the HTC Salsa and Cha Cha.

So, if you’re a Facebook user looking for an Android tool to help live your lives on the Social site, stay tuned here at AC for more info on the Facebook Phone Trio as it develops.

[via Wireless Goodness]

Posted via email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

Most Students suffer from Smartphone Withdrawl Study Finds


“I am an addict. I don’t need alcohol, cocaine or any other derailing form of social depravity,” said one British participant, “Media is my drug; without it I was lost.”

Researchers say the result of the symptoms could be due to the fact that the principal subjects of the study, 17-23 year-olds, have grown up wired and live their lives more online than they do interacting in the real world. So the real world applications of interacting face to face is more foreign to them than engaging online. Many students experienced feelings of confusion, being isolated, and even felt like a failure without their gadgets keeping them plugged in. And many, who have wanted to disengaged from the gadgets that control their lives, fear to do so because of peer pressure, worrying that disconnecting will lead to ostracizing from friends.

But the good news is that students in the study who engaged in one on one conversations during the studies found them to be far more in depth and fulfilling than the chats provided by social media threads. And it’s not surprising considering regular conversations don’t have a 140 character limit and talking face to face actually requires a person to stay attentive. But if one isn’t used to personal interaction, such face to face attention may initially cause insecure feelings. Additionally, personal interaction means a person is far less likely to be blunt or even rude in their reactions, or are less likely to be verbally critical in a conversation.

Posted via email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog

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