Recently released classified documents suggest that France covered up the murder of one of its own judges in the tiny African state of Djibouti in 1995.
Quoted: A speech in Washington by the British cabinet minister Douglas Alexander is part of a deliberate distancing of the new British government from the Bush administration, but there will not be a decisive break, says the BBC's Paul Reynolds
François Hollande, premier secrétaire du Parti socialiste, ne parvient pas à arrêter la fuite des cerveaux. Jack Lang invite le bureau politique du PS à une démission collective à sa suite.
Quoted: Premier média d'actu 100% online en français
Réaction sans complaisance, mais avec un certain humour, du maire de la ville de Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, Luc Binsinger, à la démission de Jack Lang et à la crise que traverse le Parti socialiste français.
Quoted: London, July 13 (Xinhua) One of Prime Minister Gordon Brown's closest cabinet colleagues has hinted at a change in Britain's relationship with the US, The Guardian reported Friday.
Jamal Dati comparaîtra mardi prochain devant la cour d’appel de Nancy pour trafic de drogue. Une récidive en la matière.
Quoted: Ford Tests A Hybrid Plug-In Car That Produces Power Now here's an idea, straight out of Detroit, and it's bigger than an Expedition: A plug-in hybrid Ford that not only draws electricity from the power grid so its travels use less gasoline, but which also replenishes the grid with its excess energy. It's an idea Ford is testing with Southern California Edison Co., the utility that serves power-hungry parts of Southern California. Imagine it: A legion of drivers, using the friction of their braking to power their homes. That's what could happen if the idea works, as the batteries charged ...
[tags: automotive, EnergyTechnologies, hybrid, batteries]