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14 July 2007

My Dots for Friday, July 13, 2007

[tags: BlueDot]

Recently released classified documents suggest that France covered up the murder of one of its own judges in the tiny African state of Djibouti in 1995.

Quoted: A speech in Washington by the British cabinet minister Douglas Alexander is part of a deliberate distancing of the new British government from the Bush administration, but there will not be a decisive break, says the BBC's Paul Reynolds

François Hollande, premier secrétaire du Parti socialiste, ne parvient pas à arrêter la fuite des cerveaux. Jack Lang invite le bureau politique du PS à une démission collective à sa suite.

Quoted: Premier média d'actu 100% online en français

Réaction sans complaisance, mais avec un certain humour, du maire de la ville de Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, Luc Binsinger, à la démission de Jack Lang et à la crise que traverse le Parti socialiste français.

Quoted: London, July 13 (Xinhua) One of Prime Minister Gordon Brown's closest cabinet colleagues has hinted at a change in Britain's relationship with the US, The Guardian reported Friday.

Jamal Dati comparaîtra mardi prochain devant la cour d’appel de Nancy pour trafic de drogue. Une récidive en la matière.

Quoted: Ford Tests A Hybrid Plug-In Car That Produces Power Now here's an idea, straight out of Detroit, and it's bigger than an Expedition: A plug-in hybrid Ford that not only draws electricity from the power grid so its travels use less gasoline, but which also replenishes the grid with its excess energy. It's an idea Ford is testing with Southern California Edison Co., the utility that serves power-hungry parts of Southern California. Imagine it: A legion of drivers, using the friction of their braking to power their homes. That's what could happen if the idea works, as the batteries charged ...

[tags: automotive, EnergyTechnologies, hybrid, batteries]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

13 July 2007

My Dots for Thursday, July 12, 2007

Selon ce sondage BVA pour LCI et Le Figaro, les Français sont massivement favorable aux réformes constitutionnelles.

Nicolas Sarkozy a précisé à la ministre de l’Economie les points sur lesquels il fallait agir vite.

Quoted: Actualité économique : Retrouvez toute l’information de l’économie des entreprises avec Le Figaro

COMPIÈGNE, France: Scraped and bruised, but with X-rays showing that nothing was broken, Fred Rodriguez made it to the start of the third stage of the Tour de France on Tuesday, to Robbie McEwen's immense relief.

Quoted: Cycling: Cancellara sprints to victory in 3rd stage of Tour

[tags: sports]

Quoted: Bästa sättet att döda mördarsniglar är att halshugga dem. Eller att dränka dem i kokhett vatten. De råden gav mördarsnigelexperterna Torsten Nordander och Ted von Proschwitz som på onsdagen chattade medäsarna om södra Sveriges kanske

[tags: sweden]

Quoted: Från att ha varit näst sist på listan i fjol har länet gått till att vara billigast i hela Sverige enligt undersökningen. Men någon större ...

[tags: sweden]

Quoted: Le parti socialiste poursuit sa politique d'ingérance. La réunion du bureau national, mardi soir, adoptant une nouvelle politique. La répression au lieu de la rénovation.

Quoted: THERE is no strong link between eating lycopene, the antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color, and a reduced risk of certain cancers, the US ...

[tags: health]

Quoted: The hunt for those suspected of undermining former Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona was in full swing on Capitol Hill.

Sarkozy prend rendez-vous avec le Maghreb

Quoted: : le journal en ligne. Retrouvez l'information locale en direct (actu sport, actu star, information économique et actualité internationale) grâce à, votre quotidien gratuit.

Jack Lang a claqué hier la porte des instances du PS, attisant encore le trouble que la politique « d’ouverture » de Nicolas Sarkozy sème dans le parti dirigé par François Hollande.
Alors que six personnalités venues du PS ou de gauche siègent au gouvernement, que Dominique Strauss-Kahn est soutenu par l’Élysée dans sa candidature au FMI, Jack Lang a annoncé sa décision dans une lettre à François Hollande transmise à l’AFP, expliquant qu’il ne se reconnaissait plus dans les « méthodes de direction » du Premier secrétaire.

Quoted: A neuroscientist reports that the cutting-edge research study of human stem cells in primates with Parkinson's disease is compelling on several fronts -- particularly how the transplanted cells did their job of easing disease symptoms. The study showed that only a small number of stem cells turned into dopamine-producing cells not enough to improve the primates' function by replacing missing neurons. Instead, some stem cells turned into astrocytes, a supportive brain cell that produces neuron-nourishing chemicals.

[tags: pd]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

12 July 2007

My Dots for Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Quoted: Analysis: The search giant seems insatiable when it comes to deals, acquisitions and new ventures.

[tags: google]

Quoted: TiVo said it has introduced a service to let customers buy movies and television shows from the Unbox service of without using a personal computer.

[tags: video, tv]

Google agreed to buy Postini, which offers a service to help companies protect and control their e-mail , for $625 million in cash.

Quoted: Bits is a blog about technology, innovation and society from The New York Times.

[tags: google]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

11 July 2007

My Dots for Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Quoted: A chemical that also works as a stress hormone is the final signal that says you're out of gas.

[tags: health, brain, hormone]

If new calculations are correct, the universe just got even stranger. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, have constructed mathematical formulas that conclude black holes cannot exist.

[tags: science]

Quoted: Interview de M. Nicolas SARKOZY, Président de la République, accordée aux quotidiens algériens El Watan et El Khabar à l'occasion de son déplacement au Magreb ...

Les deux présidents ont notamment évoqué les dossiers de l'énergie et de l'Union méditerranéenne. Nicolas Sarkozy continue à Tunis sa visite au Maghreb.

[tags: health]

Quoted: Analysis: Socialist Strauss-Kahn is a widely admired economic manager. Better to have him in Washington than heading up the opposition in Paris

Quoted: Two security personnel and 20 militants were killed in the raid, a military official said.

[tags: Pakistan]

Washington should hasten to disentangle itself from the sinking fortunes of General Pervez Musharraf

Quoted: The general in his labyrinth

[tags: pakistan]

Quoted: Two grim predictions on Iraqi pullout

[tags: iraq]

Quoted: People with early Parkinson's disease report a higher than anticipated development or worsening of hallucinations, sleepiness, and swelling. Researchers have identified factors that make people more likely to develop these problems, according to a recent article.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: While depression appears to be common in early Parkinson's disease (PD), it is often not treated or diagnosed, according to newly released research. Just over 27 percent of PD subjects screened positive for depression, while 40 percent of subjects' depression went untreated. This study, is the first to systematically examine the impact of depressive symptoms in early, untreated PD.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: The U.S. aircraft manufacturer unveils its new 787 wide-body, and, despite the question marks over risky technology, Airbus has a lot to worry about.

[tags: news, airlines, technology]

Quoted: A pooled analysis of data from previous studies suggests that cigarette smoking appears to be associated with a reduced risk for developing Parkinson's disease, with long-term and current smokers at the lowest risk, according to a recent report.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: The first skin patch to treat the dementia that can plague Alzheimer's patients gained federal approval, a drug company said Monday. The drug in the patch is the same as that now available in capsule form but provides a regular and continuous dose...

[tags: drug, health]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

10 July 2007

My Dots for Monday, July 09, 2007

Quoted: Why Are Blogs, Wikis Not Popular Than Email for Getting Things Done: Google Tech Talk

[tags: blogs, wiki, business, google, video]

Quoted: Unofficial news and tips about Google. A blog that watches Google's latest developments and the attempts to move your operating system online.

[tags: google, socialstream]

Socialstream is the result of a Google-sponsored capstone project in the Master’s program at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute. This project was guided by three goals that built upon each other:

[tags: google, community, interaction]

Quoted: En images : Retrouvez tous L’actualité en images et en vidéos sur Le Figaro

[tags: Merveilles du Monde]

Here we present global data from the United Nations Environment Programme and Stockholm Environment Institute, indicating how freshwater demand is likely to develop through to 2050.

[tags: environment, water]

Quoted: Once upon a time Saab and Volvo owned the "small and interesting" automotive territory with a community of drivers who responded to the cars' high ...

[tags: automotive, sweden]

Quoted: China will allow the yuan to trade more flexibly but change will be gradual, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday, citing a senior central bank official. -

[tags: China]

Quoted: AIX-EN-PROVENCE (Reuters) - Le gouvernement veut mettre en oeuvre un "capitalisme pragmatique" en France, a déclaré la ministre de l'Economie, Christine Lagarde, en prônant dans ...

Quoted: Until now, in tablet form or by injections, patients have mostly taken a compound that activates dopamine receptors. Those drugs can vary substantially from hour ...

[tags: pd]

Quoted: THURSDAY, July 5 (HealthDay News) -- Disruption of a key cellular enzyme may be a root cause of Parkinson's disease, a new study finds.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: In the vast majority of Parkinson's disease patients, the disorder arises not because of a genetic defect, but because some external insult triggers the death of dopamine-producing neurons. Now, researchers have reported progress in understanding the mechanism underlying that death, which they say suggests a new treatment pathway.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: Dans une interview parue aujourd'hui dans le Journal du Dimanche, Nicolas Sarkozy affirme qu'il continue de contacter des personnalités de gauche en vue de travailler ...

[tags: france]

Quoted: Canadian researchers are announcing a new genetic find that may help them in the hunt for early signs of colon cancer.

[tags: health, cancer]

Quoted: Bush on Monday commuted Libby's 2½-year prison term for lying to prosecutors in the CIA leak case, leaving other elements of Libby's sentence -- a ...

Quoted: Hydro has developed a new concept for producing power at sea - Hywind. Floating concrete construction technology - developed for the North Sea oil industry ...

[tags: EnergyTechnologies, wind turbine]

Siemens will deliver the first wind turbine based on Norsk Hydro's Hywind concept for a demonstration unit off the coast of Norway, Siemens said in a statement.

[tags: EnergyTechnologies, wind turbine]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.