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29 March 2008

My Faves for Friday, March 28, 2008

Quoted: Converting sound, text and video files, 3gp flv swf amv mov avi divx mpeg4 mpg avi wmv mp3 mp4 mpc smaf mmf aiff amr qcp wav ogg aac wma ra flac bmp odg ods odp odt sxw mdb wordperfect jpg gif tga png psd vob ipod

[tags: free, convertion, utilities]

[tags: search]

SkyePharma PLC
23 April 2007
Once-Daily REQUIP(TM) LP Extended-Release Tablets Approved in France

[tags: PD]

Quoted: Canada has approved an expanded indication for atorvastatin calcium tablets (Lipitor), France has approved ropinirole HCl prolonged release tablets (Requip LP), and Japan has approved bevacizumab intravenous infusion (Avastin).

[tags: pd]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

28 March 2008

My Faves for Thursday, March 27, 2008

Want to know how re-wire a lamp, swaddle a baby, or chill a six pack in three minutes? can show you how. Howcast currently has offices in New York City and San Francisco and is looking for talented individuals to join its growing team.

Quoted: Cool how-to videos and guides from cutting-edge filmmakers, savvy experts-and you!

[tags: video, howto]

Quoted: Powered by Xanhu
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "New_York". in the Wikipedia is a list of authors.

[tags: wikipedia, xanhu, new york]

Quoted: Xanhu brings the Wikipedia Api to your Site - so you can integrate Content from the Wikipedia very very easy - also in your existing content - the perfect Web 2.0 Application!

[tags: web, wikipedia, api, xanhu]

Marianne Fröding
En gift kvinna i mina bästa år, dock något för mycket per cm.Har man,barn och villa samt katter och höns.

[tags: genealogy, blogs, knitting, sweden]

Astrid Lindgren blev känd över hela världen. Hon kunde konsten att berätta. Och visst fick hon hjälp av sina gamla förfäder…

[tags: genealogy, sweden]

Nu är det kartlagt. Den amerikanska popgruppen The Beach Boys har svenska nu levande släktingar. De flesta bor i Småland - förstås. Det är ju där som Beach Boys har sina svenska rötter.

[tags: genealogy, sweden]

Det var länge ett mysterium. Ingen visste riktigt säkert. Men nu är det klarlagt: skådespelerskan Julia Roberts har svenska rötter.Världens bäst betalda skådespelerska Julia Roberts, 33, är numera medveten om att hon härstammar från Värmland.

[tags: genealogy, sweden]

This is a list of well known Swedes, ordered alphabetically within categories

[tags: sweden]

27 March 2008

My Faves for Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Quoted: WASHINGTON, DC -- March 24, 2008 -- All of the patients with Parkinson's disease who were treated by implantation of stem cells into the brain have achieved substantial improvement in terms of beneficial changes that were apparent within 1 week of the implant procedure.

[tags: pd, stem cell]

Quoted: Nicolas Sarkozy became the first world leader to suggest that he might boycott the Beijing Olympics yesterday as Britain and France increased the pressure on China over Tibet.

[tags: france]

AirPort Flow 1.2 is a free utility for Leopard that monitor the transfer rates of your AirPort Extreme. The top graph shows the incoming TCP traffic to the router and the lower one shows the outgoing TCP traffic from the router on a given interface.

[tags: mac, utility, communication]

Carbon Copy Cloner 3.1 is a free application for OS X, that makes the cloning and backup procedure more intuitive. You have complete control over what gets backed up, and you are provided with detailed information about the progress of the backup. In addition to performing a general backup, it can also copy every block to create an exact replica of your source hard drive.

[tags: mac, backup]

Quoted: På e-handelsskolan hittar du kunskap, information, tips och råd om e-handel och att starta ett eget e-handelsföretag. Att öppna sin egen webbutik är både roligt och spännande och om du följer våra tips blir det lättare att lyckas med din internetbutik.

[tags: tips]

Quoted: What's Orgoo?

Imagine your personal communications cockpit, where every tool you need to communicate and express yourself is organized and integrated together in one place online - all your email accounts, all your IM accounts, video chat, video mail, SMS and more, working together to give you one seamless experience.

[tags: communication, personal]

Quoted: SlideRocket is a web application that provides everything you need to design professional quality presentations, manage and share libraries of slides and assets, and to deliver presentations in person or remotely over the web.

[tags: presentations]

Programming is an excellent field to go into, and good Programmers are a hot commodity. That reminds me… if anyone out there is above excellent at working with Drupal, shoot me an email to Thanks to Grant for sending in this list of tips for young people looking to learn Programming.

[tags: video, programming]

Are you thinking about switching Operating Systems? Here are five things to keep in mind prior to making that big move.

[tags: video, software, operating system]

Quoted: The compressed air engine is similar, in many ways, to the steam engine that once was used to drive locomotives and early automobiles, except of course that it uses air, rather than steam. The engine is much simpler than a gasoline engine, because there is no combustion. The engine has an air intake and exhaust, a piston inside a cylinder and a crankshaft that turns.

[tags: automotive, mdi]

Quoted: ZPM's parent company, Motor Development International, is a 15-year-old French-based business headed by Air Car inventor Guy Negre. A former aeronautics and Formula One racecar engineer, Negre worked with his son, Cyril, an engineer with Bugatti, and about 30 other engineers to bring the compressed air technology to market. To date, the company holds patents in over 120 countries for their Air Car vehicles. "The air car was born out of Guy's passion for building energy efficient engines for automobiles and airplanes," Haydon says.

[tags: automotive, MDI]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

26 March 2008

My Faves for Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quoted: Here’s a video match made for the Web. Revision3, the video playground of Digg founders Kevin Rose and Jay Adelson, is teaming up with to syndicate all of its shows. That includes Diggnation (shown above with hosts Alex Albrecht and Rose), the GigaOm Show, Web Drifter, and Tekzilla. Some of these shows are already popular, especially Diggnation.

[tags: GR]

Quoted: “Mysterious, puzzling and yet astoundingly simple at the same time,” Bento, the personal database from FileMaker, helps “you organize a variety of non-structured data, including contacts, calendar events, projects, tasks, photos and media — just about anything you can think of.” And Chris Maxcer ( tells us, “Bento is an astounding little

[tags: GR]

Quoted: Mixx, a Digg-like site that ranks news stories based on reader voting, will launch a new “breaking news” feature later today that should get real news onto the home page very, very fast. More on that below. Since launching just last September, Mixx has been on a tear to release new products. Groups came in December, followed by private mail in Februrary.

[tags: GR]

PicLens - This one is mind blowing!
A must have. Get it.

[tags: images, photos, piclens, blogs]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

24 March 2008

My Faves for Sunday, March 23, 2008

Quoted: ScienceDaily (Mar. 21, 2008) — Impaired sense of smell occurs in the earliest stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) and there is mounting evidence that it may precede motor symptoms by several years, although no large-scale studies had confirmed this. In the first study involving the general population, researchers found that smell impairment can precede the development of PD in men by at least four years.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: The daily struggle with Parkinson's disease is relentless. There is no reprieve, and the future is uncertain. Even on the good days, Parkinson's lurks like an unwanted shadow.

[tags: PD]

Quoted: ScienceDaily (Mar. 22, 2008) — Better understanding of Parkinson's disease onset during aging is important for improving diagnostics and developing strategies for therapeutic intervention. Scientists from the University Medical Center in Groningen have now identified genes and processes that may underlie what makes some people more susceptible to this disease.

[tags: PD]

Quoted: "These findings may ultimately help open the door to the development of new therapeutic -- and possibly even preventive -- strategies that target the underlying cause of Parkinson's disease, improving quality of life of the many people worldwide who are affected by this devastating disorder," senior author Dr. Robert J. Smith, professor of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, said in a prepared statement.

[tags: PD]

The medicine is delivered by skin patch, and the company can't be sure the products pulled from the market were releasing the active ingredient correctly, Antje Witte, a spokeswoman for Brussels-based UCB, said today in an interview. U.S. pharmacies will be out of stock by late April, she said. Some Neupro will also be recalled in Europe.
UCB bought Germany's Schwarz Pharma two years ago to get Neupro and combat patent expiries of its two best-selling drugs.

[tags: PD]

Officials from MDI, France told ET: “We’ve decided to launch OneCATs -the first version of cars with engines that will run on compressed air - in countries other than India by end 2008. The car will also be launched at the New York Auto Show starting from March 21, 2008. In France, the car will be produced in small units. For India, Tata Motors will adopt the technology for its cars.”

[tags: automotive, MDI]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

23 March 2008

My Faves for Saturday, March 22, 2008

Quoted: SpinVox captures spoken messages and cleverly converts them into text. It then delivers your message to a destination of your choice – inbox, blog, wall or space. Right in the moment. Giving you the power to Speak Freely.

Simply put, we do one thing – turn voice into text. But it's one thing that can be applied to the many ways you communicate, from your Voicemail to your Blog. Use the finder below to find the right one for you..

[tags: voice to text conversion]

Ning is the only online service where you can create, customize, and share your own Social Network for free in seconds.

[tags: social, network]

Quoted: Thailand: I morse tog vännerna farväl vid en minneshögstund

[tags: GR]

Could a browser-based version of its peer-to-peer software save Joost, the heavily hyped video start-up founded by the creators of Skype and Kazaa?

[tags: video, software, joost, tv]

Quoted: A long weekend usually means less news, but for those looking for a new and quite often attractive take on news, the ongoing battle for geek chick supremacy offers a bountiful choice. Webb Alert Michael discribed Morgan Webb’s daily tech show as “a winner” and even stays up till 2am to catch new episodes. Occasional mens mag model Morgan Webb delivers

[tags: GR]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.