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01 November 2008
Barack Obama Talks Political Nerd Stuff with Rachel Maddow
In case you missed it, here's Rachel Maddow's interview with Barack from Thursday night, in which they talk about sexy, sexy issueslike U.S. infrastructure, that other less awesome war/quagmire, and whyObama refuses to drop the hammer on conservativityismness...
Anticancer : David Servan-Schreiber
NaturaVox a rencontré David Seravn-Schreiber dans le cadre de la sortiede son livre "Anticancer". David Servan-Schreiber partage avecNaturaVox ce livre, actuellement en tête des ventes.
Trois femmes accouchent au même moment...
Dans une maternité, il y a trois couples :
> -Un couple de noirs
> -Un couple de marseillais
> -et un couple de parisiens.
> Les trois femmes accouchent au même moment...
> Au moment de mettre les bracelets aux bébés, l'ampoule grille et le
> temps de la changer, la sage femme oublie quel bébé est à qui.
> Embêtée face aux trois bébés, la sage femme décide d'aller voir les pères,
> espérant que le cœur ou le sang va parler...
> Elle va donc voir les pères et demande qu'ils aillent voir les bébés pour
> reconnaître leur enfant.
Le Marseillais entre en premier dans la salle et sans aucune hésitation
> prend le bébé noir et s'écrie :
> - Bonne mère, mon fils comme tu es beau !
Sur ce, la sage femme s'approche de lui et lui dit tout bas :
> - Mais vous êtes idiot ou quoi ? Il y a un couple de noirs et vous
> prétendez que ce petit bébé noir est le vôtre ? Expliquez-moi !
Alors le Marseillais lui répond :
> - Ouais je sais, mais bon, comme ça je suis sûr de ne pas prendre le Parisien !
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart
In Senator Obama's quest to become president of television, he buys ahalf-hour primetime infomercial and runs it on seven networks.
The Daily Show
In Senator Obama's quest to become president of television, he buys ahalf-hour primetime infomercial and runs it on seven networks.
Harper's Magazine - Goldfarb Gets a Smackdown
By Scott Horton
When Bill Kristol wrote, in a recent New York Timescolumn, that McCain should fire his entire campaign staff, surely hehad deputy P.R. chief Michael Goldfarb in mind. Which is strange,because Goldfarb used to work for Kristol—and perhaps he will again ina few days. Watch Goldfarb disintegrate under questioning by CNN herewhen pressed on McCain's involvement in large-scale funding of a WestBank project that Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidideveloped:
What gets lost here is this: Khalidi's project was and isterrific. McCain and Craner made the right call in funding it, andshould be congratulated for their foresight. However, it does ratherget in the way of the absurd slime campaign that Goldfarb has beendripping on Khalidi. Goldfarb's thinking is pretty facile: Khalidi hasa Arab name; no one is going to stand up for him; no one will takenotice of the fact that he's America's foremost historian of the MiddleEast. Goldfarb runs into rough waters, however, as CNN's Rick Sanchezinsists that he identify the anti-Semites with whom Obama "hangsaround." Sanchez accepts Goldfarb's characterization of Khalidi. Thatwas unprofessional on Sanchez's part—the suggestion that Khalidi is ananti-Semite is, as Joe Klein observes in Time,"fatuous" to begin with. True, he is a critic of the government ofIsrael. On the other hand, I have no shortage of Israeli friends whoare more pointed in their criticism of the Israeli government than isKhalidi. Does that make them all "anti-Semites"? Goldfarb struggles,sputters, and can't identify a person. But note that this doesn't stophim for a second from unloading his McCarthyite bombload.
This evening, Bill Kristol, appearing on the Daily Show,acknowledges again that the McCain campaign has been "poorly" run. Butisn't that an understatement? Goldfarb got a client with a sterlingreputation–a genuine war hero, a man viewed by many as the DanielWebster of his generation. He managed to drag his client's name throughthe gutter and to undermine an identity crafted over twenty-seven yearsin Washington. He also contrived to demolish McCain's rapport with themedia, painstakingly built over a generation. Calling his performance"poor" just doesn't do it justice. More apt might be "histrionic,juvenile, and unprofessional."
Keith Olbermann at MSNBC has some fun focusing on anotherpoint: Goldfarb's failure to do even the most rudimentary researchbefore he launches his attacks. I don't for a second doubt the power ofthe lie wielded as a political instrument. But those who, following inthe tradition of Machiavelli, would use the lie as a political weaponmust learn to lie cleverly, so that the lie is not immediately exposed.Goldfarb has failed this very basic test.
31 October 2008
30 October 2008
28 October 2008
27 October 2008
Jonathan Benassaya(left) and Daniel Marhely(right) of France, the two founders of , relentlessly bring the world to listen to free legal music online.
What doesn't kill you only make you stronger.
At least that is what happened to France-based Deezer which is areborn of that is forced to shut down in Feb2007.
Deezer claimed to "beis the first website for music on request that is free, unlimited andlegal. The site was created in France in June 2006 by Daniel Marhelyand Jonathan Benassaya". What Deezer achieved is a miracle consider that music label company tend to be very protective of their intellectual property.
Somehow, Deezer manage to convince some major music companies to join in the fray which is good thing consider the music industry need to revamp itself to keep up with the digital world.
Build It. Share It. Profit. Can Open Source Hardware Work?
Check this out," Massimo Banzisays. The burly, bearded engineer wanders over to inspect a chipmakingrobot—a "pick and place" machine the size of a pizza oven. It hums withactivity, grabbing teensy electronic parts and stabbing them intoposition on a circuit board like a hyperactive chicken pecking forseeds. We're standing in a one-room fabrication factory used by Arduino, the Italian firm that makes this circuit board, a hot commodity among DIY gadget-builders.
the Arduino board is a piece of open source hardware, free foranyone to use, modify, or sell. Banzi and his team have spent preciousbillable hours making the thing, and they sell it themselves for asmall profit — while allowing anyone else to do the same. They're notalone in this experiment. In a loosely coordinated movement, dozens ofhardware inventors around the world have begun to freely publish theirspecs. There are open source synthesizers, MP3 players, guitaramplifiers, and even high-end voice-over-IP phone routers. You can buyan open source mobile phone to talk on, and a chip company called VIAhas just released an open source laptop: Anyone can take its design,fabricate it, and start selling the notebooks.
Banzi admits that the concept does sound insane. After all, Arduinoassumes a lot of risk; the group spends thousands of dollars to make abatch of boards. "If you publish all your files, in one sense, you'reinviting the competition to come and kill you," he says, shrugging.
Then again, Linux sounded pretty insane, too, back in 1991, when Linus Torvalds announced it.Nobody believed a bunch of part-time volunteers could create somethingas complex as an operating system, or that it would be more stable thanWindows. Nobody believed Fortune 500 companies would trust softwarethat couldn't be "owned." Yet 17 years later, the open source softwaremovement has been crucial to the Cambrian explosion of the Web economy.Linux enabled Google to build dirt-cheap servers; Java and Perl andRuby have become the lingua franca for building Web 2.0 applications;and the free Web-server software Apache powers nearly half of all Websites in the world. Open source software gave birth to the Internetage, making everyone—even those who donated their labor—better off.
Mose Allison
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26 October 2008
10-inch Mini 1000 appears on HP website
by Nilay Patel, posted Oct 26th 2008 at 4:03PM
HP's obviously getting ready to expand its netbook line beyond the well-received Mini-Note 2133 -- the company recently started teasing the Vivienne Tam Digital Clutch, and now images and pricing for a "Mini 1000" have appeared on the HP shopping site. As expected,the new rig is basically a non-glam version of the Digital Clutch, andspecs appear to be right in line with what we've seen: 10-inch screen,sub-1-inch thickness, and 2.25-pound starting weight -- and we'reguessing the Mini 1000 also gets the upgrade to an Intel Atom over the2133's VIA C7-M. Not bad at all for a starting price tag of $399 --hopefully we'll find out a lot more soon.Purple tomato 'may boost health'
The tomatoes are full of a beneficial pigment |
Scientists have developed purple tomatoes which they hope may be able to keep cancer at bay.
The fruit are rich in an antioxidant pigment called anthocyanin which is thought to have anti-cancer properties.
A team from the John Innes Centre, Norwich, created the tomatoesby incorporating genes from the snapdragon flower, which is high inanthocyanin.
The study, published in Nature Biotechnology, found mice who ate the tomatoes lived longer.Continue ....
The Palin Problem
John McCain'sdefeat will be a lonely one. The old soldier has always taken pride inproving no one owns him—not his party, not its leaders and, for damnsure, not the ideological purity police of the right. So if the pollsprove right, and McCain loses to Barack Obamanext Tuesday, no one but him will own his defeat. Already, from everycorner of the conservative coalition, the same refrain is rising:nasty, obstinate old fool, he should have listened to me.
Newsweek ...
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10/26 - 11/02
- Barack Obama Talks Political Nerd Stuff with Rache...
- 'Daily Show' Slams GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Scam
- Anticancer : David Servan-Schreiber
- Trois femmes accouchent au même moment...
- The Daily Show
- The Daily Show
- Harper's Magazine - Goldfarb Gets a Smackdown
- The Newspaper Clipping Generator
- RingClock
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- Euthanasie
- Lizz Wright
- Monica Zetterlund
- Night and Day
- Deezer
- Poor Boy Blues
- Build It. Share It. Profit. Can Open Source Hardwa...
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- Aretha Franklin
- Katie Melua
- Eva Cassidy
- Mose Allison
- Mose Allison
- 10-inch Mini 1000 appears on HP website
- Purple tomato 'may boost health'
- The Palin Problem
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