Kablu brings you a new, innovative form of media entertainment. We are NOT a youtube alternative! Kablu provides you with full-screen commercial TV and movie content - including the hottest and most up-to-date videos - without any of the traditional location and time constraints of television.
[tags: tv]
First conceptualized in 2004 and due to launch in the summer of 2007, VUDU promises instant access to thousands of movies directly from the TV, without requiring a PC or Cable TV service.
Quoted: Cheap, readily available fossil energy has driven the world's booming economies for more than a century. But there's no doubt that cracks are growing in the energy supply
[tags: EnergyTechnologies, storage]
Quoted: The RSS Mixer prototype blends multiple feeds into one stream available in RSS format, HTML, Apple iPhone, Apple Dashboard Widget, and Web Widget.
[tags: environment, rss]
CNET Learning Hub:
Windows Vista
Tutorials, tips, and classes
with CNET experts
[tags: vista]
Quoted: Not to mention the question of which way it goes...