Quoted: New Y Combinator startup Posterous launches today with what might be the simplest blogging platform to date. Yes, it's even easier to use ...
[tags: blogs]
MagCloud enables you to publish your own magazines. All you have to do is upload a PDF and we'll take care of the rest: printing, mailing, subscription management, and more.
[tags: eMagazine, publishing]
Quoted: Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama's victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.
Quoted: LONDON, June 26 (Reuters) - The European Medicines Agency has issued new warnings related to the risk of fibrosis for five ergo-derived dopamine agonists to treat Parkinson's disease, the drugs watchdog
[tags: pd]
Quoted: Jogli is a music search engine. display clips, tracks, artists, albums and playlists. World biggest music community
[tags: music]
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