Quoted: The search for life in the Vice President was called off this summer after his internal heart-regulating device, an implanted cardioverter defibrillator, was discovered to be malfunctioning back in July. Doctors estimated that it may have been as long as two years since Cheney last had a heartbeat.
[tags: satire]
Quoted: Volvo Personvagnar drar ned produktionen kraftigt efter försäljningsras i Nordamerika. Ledningen har beslutat att stoppa produktionen på fredagar i fabriken i belgiska Gent, skriver Dagens Industri som menar att
[tags: automotive, sweden]
Quoted: Soil bacteria have thumbed their ‘nose’ at antibiotics this week. A surprising study in the journal Science shows that soil bacteria can thrive on antibiotics alone. The bacteria apparently have no problem using our most trusted weapons against them
For the first time, the association between Parkinson’s disease and exposure to pesticides has been shown in patients with the neurological disorder compared with their unaffected relatives, according to a study in the online open access journal BMC Neurology.
[tags: pd]
Quoted: Rivals trying to come up with an iPhone slayer will need more than fancy features to outdo the leader.
UBS AG reported earnings results for the first quarter 2008. For the quarter the company recorded a $12.1 billion loss. The company expects write-downs of about $19 billion.
Quoted: Get UBS AG (UBS) stock research & investing information. Find historical stock quotes, key competitors, stock data, executive management and the latest company news.
Quoted: 'Historic day' in Cyprus as another border crossing opens
The desertions in the heat of a major battle cast fresh doubt on the effectiveness of the American-trained Iraqi security forces. The Bush administration has conditioned further withdrawals of American troops on the readiness of the Iraqi military and police.
Quoted: More than 1,000 in Iraq's forces quit Basra fight
[tags: Iraq]