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01 April 2008

My Faves for Monday, March 31, 2008

Quoted: The application indexes your Gmail (other email services will be added in the future) and lets you view attached files (photos, videos, etc). It also fetches any images that friends might have emailed you from Flickr, Picassa, Shutterfly, Kodak, or YouTube. It is an attempt to turn your email inbox into a dashboard for managing all the pictures and videos everyone emails you all the time. In turn, you can post your own photos, videos, and other media directly to Facebook, your blog or email from the application.

[tags: photos, gmail]

Quoted: Seattle based wiki-startup Wetpaint has been talking to a number of big content sites about a new product they'll be releasing soon, we've ...

[tags: wiki, Wetpaint]

Quoted: Add online images to Picasa Web Albums

[tags: picasa, photos]

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL examines the reality of waste and abuse of power in Washington with a look at the investigations being conducted by Congress's Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

[tags: video]

Quoted: Le - La grande vodka, devenue en vingt ans la quatrième marque d'alcool au monde, a été cédée par l'Etat suédois pour 5,6 milliards d'euros, lundi 31 mars, au groupe français Pernod-Ricard.

[tags: gastronomy, france, sweden]

Quoted: Sociétés françaises : Absolut tombedans l'escarcelle de Pernod

[tags: gastronomy, france, sweden]

Quoted: Franska spritjätten Pernod Ricard har vunnit budstriden om att få köpa statliga Vin & Sprit. Staten får 55 miljarder för bolaget.

[tags: gastronomy, france, sweden]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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