Quoted: What's Snackr? It's an RSS ticker that pulls random items from your feeds and scrolls them across your desktop. When you see a title that looks interesting, you can click on it to pop up the item in a window.
[tags: rss]
DaylightMap shows the pattern of night and day on a Google map, for any area of the Earth, for any date and time. It also allows you to select up to ten locations on the map; in addition to seeing at a glance whether it's daytime there, you can show their local time, sunrise and and sunset times, and length of day.
Quoted: IBM's researchers have been busily beavering away trying to improve solar power technology, and they've just come up with a neat solution that uses a surprisingly simple technique: concentrator photovoltaics. In much the same way as kids use magnifying glasses to focus the sun on things to burn them (we all did that, didn't we?) the IBM boffins combined a large lens and a photovoltaic cell to focus a record-breaking 230 watts solar energy per square centimeter.
[tags: solar]
Quoted: Onaswarm gathers your content — from your weblogs and social networks to bookmarking, video and photo sharing sites - into a single web hub: your lifestream. Swarms link accounts together to make ad-hoc group lifestreams.
[tags: lifestream, content, collection]
FriendFeedMachine was born out of a desire to streamline the information that was flowing out of FriendFeed,
[tags: FriendFeed, organizer]