Quoted: UPDATE: It's official. Apple has issued a press release detailing the deal: Downloads will be available the same day as DVDs, priced at $15 (catalog titles remain at $10). The
Quoted: Charles Babbage completed plans for an elaborate, all-mechanical calculator in 1849. His Difference Engine #2 was so complicated, with more than 8,000 separate parts, that it was never built during his lifetime. But now, thanks to the efforts of dedicated, historically-minded engineers at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, plus a generous donation of cash from Microsoft gazillionaire genius Nathan Myhrvold, Babbage's Difference Engine is on display in Silicon Valley.
Quoted: Online backup site Mozy is giving away 50 free year-long accounts to commemorate the official release of their Mac backup client. To get ...
[tags: backup]
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Quoted: La rue Sigalon est maintenant piétonne au sens moderne du terme : pavés polis, goulotte centrale, suppression des fils téléphoniques disgracieux dans le ciel, rénovation des façades des maisons, signalétique léchée des plaques portant ce joli nom et des numéros d’habitations (sauf dans le haut de la voie).