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26 November 2008

CNet TV Quick Tips

Watch This!

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

HDTV Buying Guide

Here is your complete guide to buying and owning a new HDTV this holiday season and beyond.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Meet the Next Wave of Awesome Cell Phones

Next year is shaping up to be another banner year for cool cell phones. Here's a look at what you can expect in 2009.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Tesla 1.5 test drive

Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster is simple to drive, but very fast, with smoothly delivered torque.

Every automotive journalist who drives a Tesla comes away impressedwith the car's power, and I can say the same after taking the car outon a quick drive near the company's Menlo Park, Calif., Tesla store(they don't call it a showroom or dealership).

In Performance mode, the car exhibits powerful and smoothtorque, even at speed. I had this little open top roadster at 65 mph onthe freeway, then mashed the accelerator (don't call it a gas pedal)and got another powerful push in the back that sent the car quickly upto 90. The Tesla's push is unique among sports cars though. Where ahigh-stepper such as the BMW M3makes you feel a kick in the back with every gear shift, the Tesladelivers a strong, steady push when you put your foot down on thepedal.

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Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)


Video - Budget Reform is an Imperative

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Obama: Budget Reform is an Imperative

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Aubry prend la tête du PS

Réuni à la Mutualité à Paris, le conseil national du partisocialiste a validé mardi soir les résultats du scrutin de vendredi etdésigné Martine Aubry comme nouveau premier secrétaire. Sansreconnaître sa défaite, Ségolène Royal appelle ses partisans à resterau PS.
Après quatre jours dequerelles qui ont plongé le Parti socialiste dans l'une des pirescrises de son histoire, Martine Aubry a été officiellement élue auposte de premier secrétaire.

Martine Aubry, lundi 24 novembre à la mairie deLille. Mardi soir, à la Mutualité, elle s'est déclarée "fière dedevenir la première femme premier secrétaire du parti socialiste".
L'ancienne ministre de l'Emploi, symbole de la gauche plurielle etdes 35 heures, l'emporte finalement de 102 voix sur Ségolène Royal, quia promis de poursuivre, de l'intérieur, la "bataille" de la rénovation.
Les deux rivales se sont embrassées après l'annonce de la validationde la victoire de la maire de Lille par le Conseil national, le "Parlement" du parti, réuni dans la salle de La Mutualité à Paris.

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Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

25 November 2008

Jamie Oliver

jamie-oliver Photo by: David Loftus

JamieOliver grew up in his parents' country pub in Essex, England, where hestarted cooking at the age of eight and has since worked with some ofthe world's top chefs. After attending catering college and studying inFrance, Jamie worked at The Neal Street Restaurant in London as thepastry chef before joining the staff of London's famed River Café,where he worked for three and a half years before filming his firsttelevision program, The Naked Chef about a young Brit who stripped foodto its bare essentials.

Jamie has starred in five television series and today owns Fifteenand Jamie's Italian, two restaurants with multiple locations in Londonand elsewhere around the world. He has also written a number oftop-selling cookbooks. Jamie's Fifteen Foundation provides training andmentoring for disadvantaged young people and now has programs andrestaurants in London, Cornwall, Amsterdam, and Melbourne.

Jamie lives in London with his wife, Jools, and their daughters, Poppy and Daisy.

See his recipes at Cookstr and at his HomePage.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

L'ultimatum de Ségolène Royal à Martine Aubry

C'est toujours l'imbroglio sur l'élection du premier secrétaire. Lacommission de récolement doit livrer ses conclusions ce mardi à 18h.L'ex candidate à la présidentielle menace de saisir la justice etd'appeler à manifester devant Solferino. Le camp Aubry dénonce un"putsch médiatique".

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Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

23 November 2008

Yahoo! Glue

Yahoo! Glue - Get great images, videos, articles, and more all on one page. Glue topic pages help you get to all the information you want with just one click.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Maps Give Glimpse Of How The World Really Looks

The world is not flat. You knew that — but if you believemost maps of the world, we live on a neat, flat rectangle. Greenland?Huge. South America? Average. None of that is true, of course.It's the consequence of mapping a spherical globe onto a flat plane,and it's also a classic example of the way maps can be misleading.

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Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Facebook activity visually and geographically

This video showcases a Hackathon project that visualizes all the data Facebook receives.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

Facebook activity visually and geographically

This video showcases a Hackathon project that visualizes all the data Facebook receives.

Posted by email from Sigalon - The Swedish Frog (posterous)

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