Recent FriendFeed entries

10 November 2007

My Faves for Friday, November 09, 2007

Quoted: The Internet TV search engine and guide. Search and watch live and on-demand video, including headline sports, entertainment and events.

[tags: tv, search] is a privately owned translation business which aims to become one of the leading providers of translation services over the next five years.

Quoted: The Translation Booth

[tags: translation]

Quoted: SVT och TV4 lanerar att göra material tillgängligt via den nya webb-tv-tjänsten Joost - PC för Alla - En del av

[tags: joost, sweden, tv]

Le fabuleux destin des sapins IKEA
Le principe de l’opération repose sur la vente et le retour des sapins de Noël IKEA.
Acheter son sapin à partir du 1er décembre 2007 et le rapporter entre le 2 au 12 janvier 2008 est un geste triplement gagnant pour vous, et pour l’environnement !
- vous recevrez un bon d’achat d’une valeur de 17€
- le sapin sera transformé en compost, puis recyclé en engrais.
- 1€ sera reversé à l’Office National des Forêts pour soutenir des projets de mise en valeur de sites naturels préservés. A cela s’ajoutera un don IKEA France de
90 000€.
Grâce à cette opération, 200 000€ ont été réunis et donnés à l’ONF l’hiver dernier.

[tags: france, ikea, christmas]

Quoted: Entrepreneurs are working to revive a 19th-century dream: cars that run on compressed air.

[tags: automobiles, mdi]

A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the light source is unspecified.

[tags: solar]

Quoted: Le blog de l'énergie solaire

[tags: france, solar]

L’utilisation de l’énergie solaire thermique redevient d’actualité grâce à son formidable impact sur la réduction des émissions de CO2.

[tags: solar, france]

Quoted: Le blog de l'énergie solaire

[tags: france, solar]

Un panneau solaire ou capteur solaire est un dispositif destiné à récupérer une partie de l'énergie du rayonnement solaire pour la convertir en une forme d'énergie utilisable par l'homme - électrique ou thermique.

[tags: france, solar]

Quoted: Panneau solaire photovoltaïque, chauffage, chauffe eau et énergies renouvelables

[tags: solar, france]

La production française d'électricité en 2006 a représenté un total de 549,1 TWh dont la majeure partie est issue du nucléaire.
Les autres énergies renouvelables, dont fait partie le solaire, représentent une infime partie de la production d'électricité.

[tags: france, solar]

Des panneaux solaires convertissent la lumière en électricité

[tags: france, solar]

Solar power obviates the need for purchasing energy. It's free. Its benefit goes right to the bottom line ($) of whoever uses it. Unlike wood, coal, oil, or natural gas - you extract it electronically from the sun with the flip of a switch. You pay for the machinery that does the extracting, not for the power itself. There are no moving parts. No wells, drills, caves, miners, or gas.

[tags: solar]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

08 November 2007

My Faves for Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Wi-Fire is a compact range-extending USB device that enables you to access a wireless Internet connection from up to 1,000 feet away--three times the range of your internal wireless adapter.

Quoted: The key brain chemical that causes Parkinson's disease has been discovered. This is a breakthrough finding that could pave the way for new, far more effective therapies to treat one of the most common and debilitating neurological disorders.

[tags: pd]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

07 November 2007

My Dots for Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The service can be described as a video based Twitter, although it is also much more than that. The grand vision behind Seesmic is for it to become a very open online video/television service where people are constantly interacting around both user generated and professional content.

[tags: video, sharing, Seesmic]

Quoted: Google sends Android to conquer mobile world | Analysts expect Google to launch a Google phone now that it has an alliance of supporters behind its Android mobile platform.

[tags: google, mobile, android]

Phones using this new platform will start shipping in the second half of 2008.

Quoted: TidBITS is a free email and Web publication covering the Macintosh Internet community.

[tags: google, android, mobile, apple]

Quoted: Google's open-development platform for mobile devices, backed by industry heavyweights, could shake the wireless market to its core.

[tags: mobile, google, android]

Quoted: Climate Care originates global carbon offsets for business and consumer emissions, with voluntary (VER, Gold Standard, VCS) and compliance (CER) credits meeting current standards

[tags: environment, climate]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

05 November 2007

My Dots for Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Migros Supermarket in Eschenbach, Switzerland, sets an LED milestone by switching to 100% LED lighting throughout the entire store--in the refrigerated compartments, overhead, and accenting the selection of products on offer. This project demonstrates once again the ecological superiority of the LED technology.

[tags: lighting, technology, LED, Switzerland, Migros]

A lamp, in technical usage, is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light from electricity. These components usually have a ceramic or metal base, which makes an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture. This connection may be made with a threaded base, two metal pins, or a "bayonet mount."

[tags: lighting, lamp]

Like all sciences, the study of climate change relies upon a thorough and comprehensive investigation of the data. It is the goal of Global Warming Art to make some of that data accessible to the public through a collection of figures and images that accurately highlight and describe key issues necessary to understanding our world's changing climate.

[tags: Global Warming, environment, history, future]

Arrhenius estimated that halving of CO2 would decrease temperatures by 4 - 5 °C and a doubling of CO2 would cause a temperature rise of 5 - 6 degrees Celsius [1]or 7 - 11 degrees Fahrenheit. Recent (2007) estimates from IPCC say this value (the Climate sensitivity) is likely to be between 2 and 4.5 degrees. What is remarkable is that Arrhenius came so close to the most recent IPCC estimate. Arrhenius expected CO2 levels to rise at a rate given by emissions in his time. Since then, industrial carbon dioxide levels have risen at a much faster rate: Arrhenius expected CO2 doubling to take about 3000 years; it is now predicted to take about a century.

[tags: climate change, environment, chemistry, sweden]

Climate change: we have the power
There are pale greens and dark greens. Often they don’t see eye to eye. But there is no shortage of technologies to tackle global warming. We listen to the visionaries of change

[tags: technology, health, EnergyTechnologies, environment, future]

Vertical farming is a conceptual form of agriculture done in urban high-rises. In these high-rises (variously called "farmscrapers," food such as fruit, vegetables, fish, and livestock can be raised by using greenhouse growing methods and recycled resources year-round, allowing cities of the future to become self-sufficient.

[tags: environment, EnergyTechnologies, Farm, food, future]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

04 November 2007

My Dots for Saturday, November 03, 2007

MediaMaster is a startup in Silicon Valley, CA. We are a group of passionate builders of great products for people. Many of us have worked together through three companies and have been friends for years.

[tags: audio, internet, sharing]

Quoted: Revolution Health offers trusted health information, expert advice, drug and treatment information, doctor ratings, and a strong community to help you and your family with health issues. Visit Revolution Health as your one-stop resource for all your health needs.

[tags: health]

Talkster’s award winning voice technologies are changing international and long distance calling with a fully sustainable mobile advertising-supported business model that benefits both callers and advertisers. Talkster’s Free World Dialing™ is the only service for making completely free long distance, international, and group conference calls from any phone, to any other phone, on any network.

[tags: voip, phone, mobile, free]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.