"At iterasi, we love the Web. So much so, that we want to keep it. Forever.
That'swhy we're taking steps to move beyond traditional bookmarking. Because,these days, saving the address of a page isn't half as important asbeing able to save the page you created.
Our first product,iterasi, makes it simple for any Web user to save the dynamicallygenerated pages that are increasingly becoming the bulk of today's Webexperience. With iterasi, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, and database driventechnologies, like PHP and ASP, can all be saved—in their currentstate—with the push of a button."
Recording History a Page at a Time
"The results of the United States Presidential Election truly rocked theworld. People from all over the world collected newspapers coveringthis historic event. As you would expect, at iterasi we saw a trafficspike as users decided todigitally commemorate this historic event.
Here is one example. In the blog 'Teaching Online Journalism', MindyMcAdams writes how she had a student spend election night archiving 98different news sites from around the world. From the New York Post tothe Hindustan Times. FromGazeta Wyborcza to The Australian. From the Dallas Morning News to LeMonde. To see the blog post click here: sigalon@gmail.com" target="_blank">http://sqrl.it/?uwn45 or go directly to the public pages sigalon@gmail.com" target="_blank">https://www.iterasi.net/public/users/dpmrr.
It's a very impressive collection. And now the digital versions, likethe printed ones, are a permanent part of the world's history."
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