Robert Scheer on Obama's Best Bet for Treasury
"Change We Can Bank On"-- This is not change we can believe in. Not if Robert Rubin or hisprotégé, Lawrence Summers, get to call the shots on the economy inPresident-elect Barack Obama's incoming administration.
Chris Hedges on War and American Empire
"America's Wars of Self-Destruction"-- War is a poison. It is a poison that nations and groups must attimes ingest to ensure their survival. But, like any poison, it cankill you just as surely as the disease it is meant to eradicate.
The National Prop. 8 Protests in Pictures
"Anti-Prop. 8 Protests Around the Country"-- On Saturday, people took to the streets all around the U.S. toprotest the passage of California's Proposition 8 and to show theirsupport for same-sex marriage. We've compiled 40 of our favorite photosfrom Spokane to Houston to New York City.
Andrew Gumbel Responds to Gore Vidal
"A Rejoinder to Gore Vidal"-- Let me describe what happened in my interview with Gore Vidal forVanity Fair's Spanish edition and why I felt compelled to report whatwas, in my experience, the single most shockingly racist line of the2008 presidential election campaign.
"No End to the Savagery in Afghanistan"-- Back in Afghanistan, the mind turns to the small matter of savagery.Not the routine cruelty of war, but the deliberate inhumanity withwhich we behave.
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