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17 April 2007

My Dots for Monday, April 16, 2007

Quoted: traineo helps you lose weight & get fit by letting you track your progress through a unique way of getting friendly motivation. The concept is simple: you sign up and choose up to 4 friends or members of your family to receive weekly email updates on how you're doing.

[tags: health, weight loss]

Quoted: -- Internet radio YOU control! Try 12 great music channels: Indie Rock, Swingin' Pop Standards, Broadway, Modern Rock Classics, Hip-hop, Electronica, Blues, Piano Jazz, Brit Rock, and more -- plus the Web's best Holiday music!

[tags: music, jazz]

LeapTag runs in your browser tool bar. As you travel the Internet you simply tag pages to associate web content with your interests. We call this dynamic tagging and it enables LeapTag to create a contextual definition of your interests. When LeapTag returns your results, you further refine your definition by voting positively or negatively on the items you see. This effectively says to LeapTag “I like this, bring me more results like this” or “I don’t like this, don’t bring me anymore like that.” This tagging/voting cycle teaches LeapTag and the more you use the tool the better and more relevant your results will become.

[tags: browser, tool, tag]

Quoted: Possibly the best blogging solution on the market today. Perfect for beginners and power bloggers alike. It's free!

[tags: blogs, development, tools]

Quoted: is intended for internet entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and CEOs of internet companies. We review around 20 startups per day, so you have plenty of ...

[tags: startups, application, software]

A simple, powerful new way to create web-based business applications that can be used by anyone, anytime, anywhere! Coghead is the one do-it-yourself web application platform that can handle all of your projects from beginning to end.

[tags: application, development]

Quoted: This afternoon Netvibes will announce the launch of Netvibes Universe, allowing users to create highly customized versions of Netvibes and publish them for ...

[tags: netvibes, startpage]

Quoted: Sony one step closer to OLED production

[tags: display, tv, OLED]

Quoted: Earlier this year, venture capitalist Vinod Khosla and Herman Scheer, a member of Germany's parliament, debated the merits of different solar technologies at a forum ...

[tags: EnergyTechnologies, solar]

Take the Internet to new places. The Nokia N800 Internet Tablet and Orb combine to create the perfect portable Internet entertainment device.

[tags: nokia800]

Quoted: Toute l'actualité de restaurants et de la gastronomie de Nîmes et sa région, vue par Midi Libre

[tags: restaurants, france]

Quoted: Toute l'actualité des restaurants et de la gastronomie de Montpellier et sa région, vue par Midi Libre

[tags: restaurants, france]

D'un côté - socialiste -, c'est la surprise et la consternation. De l'autre - chez François Bayrou -, on se frotte les mains : "Ça bouge !"

Quoted: LE MONDE, Journal Le Monde, quotidien d'information francophone / Le Monde, the french quality newspaper of record

Quoted: The shifting of loyalties is lending the early stages of the Democratic campaign the feeling of a family feud.

[tags: Presidential Election 2008]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.