Quoted: A wiki-based directory of open source and commercial software, including reviews, ratings, articles and detailed product feature comparisons
Quoted: Healthy living resource providing tools, information, forums, blogs and support to help you manage your health and wellness. Learning centers include diet, nutrition, fitness, weight loss, condition centers such as diabetes, cancer, and depression, treatments, drugs, vitamins, alternative medicine, beauty tips, skin care, hair care, pharmacy, how to quit smoking.
Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. In fact, it's been said that the average adult only uses 10% of his/her brain. Imagine what we may be capable of with more advanced learning techniques.
Quoted: Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better
[tags: health, learning, techniques, brain]
Quoted: Hydrogen power for bikes and toy cars | Fuel cell company starts small with systems that make kid's play out of alt-fuel systems.
[tags: solar, batteries, automotive, EnergyTechnologies]
Quoted: You might be surprised where nanotechnology is showing up now. Here are nine places to look.
A cancer-suppressing gene has been successfully delivered into the tumors of stage 4 lung cancer patients via an intravenously administered lipid nanoparticle in a phase I clinical trial at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The gene, FUS1, also was found to be active in the metastatic non-small cell lung cancer tumors.
Quoted: Researchers at Wake Forest University's Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials have doubled the efficiency of organic or flexible, plastic solar cells in just two years. The new record set at Wake Forest is more than 6 percent efficiency.
[tags: EnergyTechnologies, solar, nanotech]
Quoted: Head and neck surgeons at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital are using a minimally-invasive means of treating chronic sinusitis and clearing blocked sinus passageways.
The controversial idea that one cause of high blood pressure lies within the brain, and not the heart or blood vessels, has been put forward by scientists at the University of Bristol, UK, and is published this week in the journal Hypertension.
[tags: health]
Quoted: Surgery is about to change with the introduction of a new MRI-compatible surgical robotic system developed by Dr. Garnette Sutherland at the University of Calgary/Calgary Health Region.
University of Massachusetts researchers said nanoparticles are small enough to penetrate cell membranes and defenses, yet they are large enough to cause trouble by interfering with normal cell processes. Such nanoparticles, which are in use in a wide variety of industries, can be difficult to isolate, since they are much too small for removal by conventional filtering techniques.
Single walled carbon nanotubes may be considered to be graphene cylinders; some have a hemispherical graphene cap (that includes 6 pentagons) at each end. Graphenes have also attracted the interest of technologists who see them as a way of constructing ballistic transistors. In March 2006, Georgia Tech researchers announced that they had successfully built an all-graphene planar field-effect transistor and a quantum interference device.
Called graphene, it is essentially a nanotube unrolled—a single layer of atoms arranged like a honeycomb. The difference may sound cosmetic, but when the goal is manipulating things that are a few atoms thick, going from tube to sheet makes a big difference.
Quoted: Fueling the automobile fleet primarily with ethanol rather than gasoline might increase air pollution, a new study finds
[tags: Environment, automotive, EnergyTechnologies]
The Brain May Use Only 20 Percent of Its Memory-Forming Neurons
Study shows that that pace at which a brain cell activates a key protein may influence its role in memory formation—a finding that could lead to new Alzheimer therapies
Power up the phone on any wireless network, enter your Skype username and password, and your Skype contacts will populate the handset’s color LCD screen. Call them instantly or phone outside numbers
Automotive breakthroughs are an almost daily event, if you believe the press coming out of the car industry. The 2006 auto-show circuit showcased eight-speed automatics, high-res night vision, zero-lag turbos and a dozen other hyphenated doodads. But real automotive breakthroughs—the ones that transform the industry, and our hopes for it—are rare. We're here to show you a few of them.
[tags: automotive]
(AP) -- New technology is allowing energy producers to capture speedier wind that environmental activists say has the potential to provide 20 percent of the state's electricity within 10 years.
Quoted: PhysOrg news: Energy Producers Capture Speedier Wind
[tags: EnergyTechnologies, wind]
Quoted: More and more health seekers are using the Internet as an important resource for health information and advice. In September 2006, more than 70 million ...
[tags: health]
Quoted: The quad-turbo 16-cylinder engine produces 1001 bhp, and has a $1.4 million dollar price tag.
[tags: bugatti, automotive, test, video]
Quoted: Froogle has been renamed Google Product Search says Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search & User Experience. It also sports a redesign, and ...
[tags: google]
The Consumer Energy Council of America (CECA) is the senior public interest organization in the U.S. focusing on the energy, telecommunications, and other network industries providing essential services to consumers.
[tags: biofuel, EnergyTechnologies, Environment]
Quoted: Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIAs) for the Web.
[tags: microsoft, silverlight, video]
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