Amy Goodman is the co-founder, executiveproducer and host of Democracy Now!, a national, daily, independent,award-winning news program airing on more than 450 public broadcaststations in North America.
Goodman graduated from Harvard with a degree in anthropology in 1984.She began her career in community radio in 1985 at Pacifica Radio's NewYork station, WBAI, where she produced WBAI's Evening News for 10years.
In 1991, Goodman traveled to East Timor to report on the Indonesianoccupation of East Timor. There, she and colleague Allan Nairnwitnessed Indonesian soldiers gun down 270 East Timorese men, women andchildren during a memorial procession. Indonesian soldiers savagelybeat Goodman and Nairn, fracturing Nairn's skull. Their documentary,"Massacre: The Story of East Timor" won numerous awards, including theRobert F. Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, the Alfred I.DuPont-Columbia Award, the Armstrong Award, the Radio/Television NewsDirectors Award, as well as awards from the Associated Press, UnitedPress International and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
In 1996, Goodman helped launch Pacifica Radio's Democracy Now!.Two years later, Goodman and producer Jeremy Scahill went to Nigeria.Their award-winning radio documentary "Drilling and Killing: Chevronand Nigeria's Oil Dictatorship" exposed Chevron's role in the killingof two Nigerian villagers in the Niger Delta, who were protesting yetanother oil spill in their community. In 1999, Goodman traveled to Peruto interview American political prisoner Lori Berenson. It was thefirst time a journalist had ever gotten into the prison to speak toher.
In March 2004, Goodman obtained theinternational broadcast exclusive of the return of Haitian PresidentJean-Bertrand Aristide from his imposed exile in the Central AfricanRepublic to Jamaica, accompanying the Aristides with the delegationthat retrieved them. Her coverage of the Haitian story scored more than3.5 million hits on Democracy Now!'s Web site, ultimately forcing the story into the mainstream press in what Goodman describes as "trickle up" journalism.
In addition to writing her syndicated editorial column, Goodman is co-author, with her brother David Goodman, of the book Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back (Hyperion, 2006). The pair also co-wrote the national best-seller The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them.The book was chosen by independent bookstores as the No. 1 politicaltitle of the 2004 election season and ranked as one of the top 50nonfiction books of 2004 by the editors of Publishers Weekly.
Truthdig - article: "Organizer in Chief"
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