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25 October 2008

Do men need their own food magazine?

Dagmar in Stockholm, Sweden

Iwas surprised today when I received a press release for a new Swedishfood magazine especially for men. I just can't figure out why there isa need for a food magazine for men, other than the magazine wantssponsors and ads that are directed to men. I havn't seen the magazineyet, so I probably shouldn't question it. But I saw some notes aboutthe contents and if I was a man I would be affended. Affended that myinterests allegedly would be where to find the cheapest beer or beinginterested in what relationship semi famous people have to coffee. No,stay online and read all lovely food blogs instead, there are plenty ofexcellent food blogs written by men:

David Lebovitz
Cooking for Engineers
Dad - Baker & Chef
Real Epicurean
Spittoon Extra
Matblogg (in Swedish)

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