Robert Scheer on McCain's Lust for War
"Running for War President at Any Cost"-- Just great! Nuclear-armed Pakistan is falling apart, Iran's nuclearprogram is unchecked and congressional legislation on cooperation withthe Russians on controlling nuclear proliferation is now dead in thewater. Horrid news except for Sen. John McCain, who thrills to a repeatof the danger lines of the Cold War, and now stands a good chance ofbeing our next president.
Col. Ann Wright on Rape and Murder in the Military
"U.S. Military Keeping Secrets About Female Soldiers' 'Suicides'?"-- Since I posted on April 28 the article "Is There an Army Cover Up ofthe Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers," the deaths of two more U.S.Army women in Iraq and Afghanistan have been listed as suicides—theSept. 28, 2007, death of 30-year-old Spc. Ciara Durkin and the Feb. 22,2008, death of 25-year-old Spc. Keisha Morgan. Both "suicides" aredisputed by the families of the women.
Chris Hedges on the War in Afghanistan
"Pouring Gas on the Afghanistan Bonfire"-- Mounting bombing raids and widespread detentions of Afghans arerapidly turning Afghanistan into the mirror image of Iraq. But thesevery real events, which will have devastating consequences over thenext few months and years, are largely ignored by us.
Bill Boyarsky Reports from the Democratic Convention
"Faith, Abortion and the Election"-- Although the Democratic National Convention officially startedMonday, a more significant event occurred 24 hours before at areligious service held several blocks away from the main conventionhall.
"Prescription for a Democratic Win"-- As Barack Obama moves into the Democratic National Convention, heshould speak out more clearly and forcefully on an issue that clearlydistinguishes him from his do-nothing opponent—national healthinsurance.
Marie Cocco on Hillary Clinton at the Democratic Convention
"Clinton's Lose-Lose Dilemma"-- If there is a political job more fraught with peril than running tobecome the next commander in chief, surely it is being cast ascheerleader in chief.
E.J. Dionne on Joe Biden
"The Happy Warrior"-- In selecting Joe Biden, Barack Obama has signaled clearly what thisweek's Democratic National Convention will be about: He intends to moveaggressively to ease the problems that have worried so many Democratsin recent weeks—problems, it turns out, that Obama is worried about,too.
William Pfaff on the Blame Game in Georgia
"The Cost of Saakashvili's Folly"-- The West's response to the situation in Georgia evadesacknowledgement of the damage Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvilihas done to the United States and NATO, and to Georgia itself, whichfor the foreseeable future will now be a nation of limited sovereignty,and an awkward embarrassment to its Western allies.
Eugene Robinson on Calming Democratic Worries
"Fretting All the Way to the White House"-- If they want to win in November, Democrats have one task toaccomplish this week: Snap out of it. Somehow, tentativeness andinsecurity have infected a party that ought to be full of confidentswagger.
"Don't Lick the Medals" -- All that glitters is not gold, this tongue-in-cheek dispatch from the Beijing Olympics warns.
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