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08 August 2008

The Absinthe Ritual

The Absinthe Ritual

All true absinthes are bitter to some degree (due to the presence of absinthin, extracted from the wormwood) and are therefore
usuallyserved with the addition of sugar. This not only counters thebitterness, but in well made absinthes seems also to subtly
improve the herbal flavour-profile of the drink.

The classic French absinthe ritual involves placing a sugar cube on a flat perforated spoon, which rests on the rim of the glass
containing a measure or "dose" of absinthe. Iced water is then very slowly dripped on to the sugar cube, which gradually dissolves
and drips, along with the water, into the absinthe, causing the green liquor to louche ("loosh") into an opaque opalescent white as the
essential oils precipitate out of the alcoholic solution. Usually three to four parts water are added to one part of 68% absinthe.
Historically,true absintheurs used to take great care in adding the water, lettingit fall drop by single drop onto the sugar cube, and
then watching each individual drip cut a milky swathe through the peridot-green absinthe below. Seeing the drink gradually change
colour was part of its ritualistic attraction.

Posted by email from Sigalon's posterous

1 comment:

g.animalz said...

This is the best video of absinthe preparation on the web! Thank you!

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