Recent FriendFeed entries

14 July 2008

My Faves for Sunday, July 13, 2008 is a slideshow for webpages, which are sourced either from popular websites such as (for best webpages), digg (for most entertaining stories), google news (for latest news), etc. or from a list provided by you or from your RSS feed(s).

[tags: webpage, slideshow]

[tags: blog]

[tags: bookmarks]

RSS and a personalized widget tool have been added to iterasi, giving our community new ways to share and publish the pages they save with our personal web archiving service.

[tags: blog, websites, storing, rss]

Quoted: What’s the toughest thing to remember? For me, it’s websites. Everyday, I visit tons of sites: blogs, shopping, news, recipes, and travel. It’s too much. I’ve actually stopped bookmarking because it’s so hard to find anything in the sea of links, and when I do go back, the page is often gone or changed. Since Evernote is a single place for all of your memories, (websites you visit are memories too, you know) we thought we could do better.

[tags: blog, websites, sharing, storing]

How would you like a car, or truck, that ran on air? For real. No more gasoline. No more air pollution.

[tags: automotive, mdi]

This tutorial will show you how to use Google Docs word processor for blogging a live event.

[tags: google, blogs, docs]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.