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06 June 2008

My Faves for Thursday, June 05, 2008

Quoted: In 2008 the best LED lights are able to match not only the power output but also the efficiency of popular alternatives. Energy efficiency and long life of LED lights make them good for the environment whilst the flexibility of the technology allows them to be applied in almost any situation.

[tags: LED]

iCompta is an application that lets you manage your personal accounts with ease.
Each account can have its own currency and you can organize operations by type.
You can then sort and filter operations to make statistics on your incomes and expenses.
You can show a graph of the balance evolution of an account and even have a forecast for the next months.
iCompta also lets you validate operations which are on your bank reports and therefore check that you are up to date with your accounts.
You can also make funds transfers between accounts.
iCompta lets you deal with the common problem of who owes what to who when you buy things with people.
iCompta documents can be encrypted with a password.
iCompta is open and can import / export files in the following formats :

* iCompta tab separated text file

Spotlight importer.
QuickLook plugin.

[tags: finance, personal, accounts]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.