Quoted: Are you a Gmail, Facebook, Campfire or Pandora fanatic? Do you have 20 or more browser tabs open at all times? Are you tired of some random site or Flash ad crashing your browser and causing you to lose your (say) Google Docs data in another tab?
[tags: browser]
Quoted: The invention of the browser was a huge boon to the internet and a substantial amount of computing now goes on through that interface we've grown to love. ...
Quoted: Wikipedia, which turned 7 this year, is a source of information for 683 million visitors every year. A poster child for user-generated content, Wikipedia has grown from its ...
Quoted: Share information with a few people, a whole organization, or the entire world.
[tags: google]
Quoted: Tokoni, Life is full of stories. Tell yours
Quoted: Les PCB, ou PolyChloroBiphényles, sont des dérivés chimiques chlorés plus connus en France sous le nom de pyralènes. Depuis les années 1930, les PCB étaient très utilisés dans l’industrie pour leurs qualités d’isolation électrique, de lubrification et d’ininflammabilité. On les retrouvait notamment comme isolants dans les transformateurs électriques et les condensateurs, comme lubrifiants dans les turbines et les pompes ou comme composants d’huiles, de soudures, d’adhésifs, de peintures et de papiers autocopiants. Ils ont cessé d’être produits dans les années 80 et progressivement été retirés de la vente jusqu’en 1987.
[tags: france, Environnement, health, pollutants]
The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) evolved from the Toxicology Information Program (TIP) that was established in 1967 at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in response to recommendations made in the 1966 report "Handling of Toxicological Information," prepared by the President's Science Advisory Committee. The TIP objectives were to: (1) create automated toxicology data banks, and (2) provide toxicology information and data services. In the mid-1990's, the mission of TIP was expanded to include environmental health. TEHIP, by creating, organizing, and disseminating toxicology and environmental health information, now serves as a premier information portal for resources in these subject areas.
[tags: health, environment, pollutants]
Quoted: PCB health effects can take many forms, affecting several systems in the body.
[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]
Quoted: Dopamine levels are decreased by PCB chemical exposure, as shown by multiple research studies. Parkinsons Disease may result.
[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]
Quoted: Links to More Information
on Parkinson's Disease and Dopamine
[tags: health, environment, pollutants, pd]
A pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances used for preventing, controlling, or lessening the damage caused by a pest.[1] A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such as a virus or bacteria), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. Pests include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms) and microbes that compete with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are a vector for disease or cause a nuisance. Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals.
[tags: environment, health, pollutants]
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of organic compounds with 1 to 10 chlorine atoms attached to biphenyl which is a molecule composed of two benzene rings each containing six carbon atoms. The chemical formula for all PCBs is C12H10-xClx.
PCBs were used as coolants and insulating fluids for transformers and capacitors, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2]
PCB production was banned in the 1970s due to the high toxicity of most PCB congeners and mixtures. PCBs are classified as persistent organic pollutants which bioaccumulate in animals.
[tags: environment, health, pollutants]
Quoted: Free online Chinese dictionary - Powerful handwriting recognition tool, auto complete chinese pinyin function. nciku also provides unique and rich content. Please enjoy our powerful word-related services.
At A123Systems we are working to advance the next generation of transportation by ushering in advanced vehicle technologies such as plug-in hybrid technology. Hymotion products bridge the current HEV-PHEV gap by enabling thousands of existing hybrids on the road to reach their full green potential now through conversion to plug-in hybrids. Our Hymotion product line was founded by industry veterans set out to design advanced green transportation systems that improved upon existing vehicles and could be used by consumers today. Hymotion became part of A123Systems in February 2007.
[tags: automotive, batteries]
Quoted: ZENN Motor Company, Toronto, Canada, is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of electric vehicles. Driven by quality, ingenuity and the goal of bringing the finest zero-emission vehicles to the market, the company combines global technology with a North American vision for the future of electric vehicles.
[tags: automotive, Electric car, environment]
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