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18 March 2008

My Faves for Monday, March 17, 2008

Quoted: A early look at the latest beta of online lifestream web app Second Brain.

[tags: lifestream, review]

Direktsändning om neurologiska sjukdomar

17/3 Utan intensiv träning och sjukgymnastbehandling hade Parkinsonsjuke Bo Andersson varit betydligt sämre idag. På bilden ses han med sjukgymnasterna Johanna Rydja och Ann-Charlotte Åberg.

Fråga Doktorn handlar den här veckan om neurologiska sjukdomar. Dagens direktsändning tar i första hand upp frågor rörande MS och Parkinson.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: It's a pretty good bet that if you're not making a Twitter or Facebook application, you're probably making a lifestreaming application. Okay, so not everyone is into lifestreaming, ...

[tags: lifestreaming, application]

Quoted: is an online tool that can instantly convert Web Pages, Office documents and  PDF files into MP3 files. While there are other free tools that can convert text to MP3, ReadThatWords offers two distinct advantages: 1. It can turn almost anything into MP3 including PowerPoint slides, Word Docs, PDF, HTML web pages and even RSS feeds.

[tags: GR]

Quoted: Senator McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, has twice this month embraced technology leaders in his push to become president. On March 7 Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, joined the Republican National Committee as Victory Chairman. And this last weekend Meg Whitman, the outgoing CEO of Ebay, became McCain’s campaign co-chair.

[tags: GR]

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