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08 March 2008

My Faves for Friday, March 07, 2008

Quoted: A free collection of articles about Parkinson's disease published in The New York Times.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: Chemical That Triggers Parkinson's Disease Discovered

ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2007) — Researchers at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine have discovered the key brain chemical that causes Parkinson's disease - a breakthrough finding that could pave the way for new, far more effective therapies to treat one of the most common and debilitating neurological disorders.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: "We believe this work represents a very significant breakthrough in understanding the complicated chemical process that results in Parkinson's disease," said William J. Burke, MD, PhD, professor of neurology at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine and the lead author of the study.
"For the first time, we've identified the chemical that triggers the events in the brain that cause this disorder," Dr. Burke stated. "We believe these findings can be used to develop therapies that can actually stop or slow this process."

[tags: health]

Quoted: Scientists may have found a change in protein that could play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease. According to a recent study by the University of Florida Genetics Institute, if a protein in the brain lacks a phosphate, it could be toxic.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: TThe response of a startled sea cucumber has inspired a new material that could one day be used to build brain implants for patients with Parkinson's disease.

[tags: pd]

Quoted: A new nano-patterning method has been developed using electron microscopes and lithograph technology that opens new horizons for the building of ultra small devices of the future, Korean scientists said Thursday (Mar. 6).

The team led by Seoul National University professor Kim Ki-bum said the Atomic Image Projection Electron-beam Lithography (AIPEL) makes use of natural patterns found in everyday objects at the atomic level to create so-called quantum dots and lines that can be used on a 10 nanometers scale or smaller.

[tags: technology, nanotech]

Quoted: New evacuated solar tubes and the latest hot water heating solar panels tubes UK

[tags: solar, home]

Quoted: HP förlorar miljoner på bolånekris i USA

2008-03-07 00:25
Hallandspostens nya ägare tänker skära ner på personalen för att få högre vinster. Samtidigt ser det nu ut som att HP gör en förlust på 30 miljoner kronor i ett par placeringar av tidigare vinster.

[tags: sweden]

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