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13 February 2008

My Faves for Tuesday, February 12, 2008

L'épouse du chef de l'Etat a accordé à L'Express, à sortir dès mercredi à Paris, sa première interview de première dame de France. En exclusivité sur, l'intégralité de cet entretien, ou comment Carla Bruni-Sarkozy envisage son nouveau métier: différemment et sérieusement.

[tags: france, interview]

Quoted: We like to think that EnviroWonk fills a surprisingly empty niche. Enviros can complain all the want about being underserved in the 2008 elections, but take a look at the blogosphere and you'll notice we're underserved here as well. EnviroWonk finally fills that void, with insightful, informed, commentary. And yes, with the world the way it is, it's hard not to crack a joke now and again.

[tags: environment, EnergyTechnologies, blogs]

Quoted: It's a common complaint: hundreds of channels to choose from, and there's still never anything on TV. And the recent Writers' Guild strike has only ...

[tags: video, tv, mobile]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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