Recent FriendFeed entries

21 December 2007

My Faves for Thursday, December 20, 2007

Quoted: Analyst Max Keiser investigates the ill health and possible demise of the dollar.

[tags: video]

Quoted: Analyst Max Keiser investigates the ill health and possible demise of the dollar.

[tags: video]

Quoted: iTunes may not be the best media player on the market but let's face facts with its tight integration with

[tags: music, iTunes, mac, apple]

Summize is a new way to find and discover products, based upon the sentiments of millions of user reviews and blog discussions.

[tags: search]

Quoted: 10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Home Office Cheaply

[tags: home, tips, desktop]

Quoted: by Adam Pash If there's one thing we noticed in the course of our recent Coolest Workspace Contest it's that

[tags: home]

Quoted: Throughout Lifehacker's archive of over posts we've mentioned hundreds of free web and desktop apps that help you get things

[tags: software, applications, free, web, desktop]

Quoted: Google Reader enthusiasts have likely already noticed that Reader has now integrated with Google Talk to make your shared items

[tags: google]

Quoted: Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.

[tags: tips]

Export and Import your documents to Google Docs from, and from to Google Docs.

[tags: google, OpenOffice, extension]

Quoted: Windows only Install and remove programs update all your applications at once and build your own Linux-style repository for Windows

[tags: windows, applications, update]

Quoted: Google has integrated translation tools into its Google Talk and GChat interfaces through the use of chat bots To have

[tags: google, translation]

Quoted: Party foods that are as easy to eat as they are to make.

[tags: recipes]

Quoted: We already walked you through the first beta of Firefox's next major version and today Mozilla released beta for download

[tags: firefox, mac]

See the rest of my Faves at Faves

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