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25 May 2007

My Dots for Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bluegrind is here to lend a hand and bring some of the Web's most popular content to people who would love to have it, if only they could listen to it instead of read it,

[tags: text to speech, conversion]

Quoted: Provides free real time 24/7 website and server monitoring from georgraphically distributed servers with personalized Ajax interface, server performance testing, uptime reporting, traffic analysis and alarm notification

[tags: website, monitoring, tracking]

Quoted: helps recommend a open source software alternative or replacement for commercial products and even shareware. Remember that open source software is also a freeware alternative.

[tags: open source, software]

With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched for on Google over time. Google Trends also displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which geographic regions have searched for them most often.

[tags: google, search, trends]

Quoted: What will replace the Internet? Something safer, more personal, more manageable.

[tags: software, technology, internet, future, worldbeam]

Blog search engine Technorati made significant changes to its data architecture and user interface this evening. CEO Dave Sifry outlined the details on his personal blog. The changes, Sifry says, are largely in response to Technorati’s changing user base - more and more mainstream Internet users are using the service.

[tags: technorati]

Quoted: Quickly search for famous quotations. Rate and tag popular quotes and people.

[tags: quotes, search, sharing]

Quoted: Simplified photo sharing. Easily create, customize and manage your own ad free gallery. Featuring bulk uploading and downloading, original photo backup, drag and drop organization, privacy controls, camera-phone uploads, RSS feeds and unlimited storage.

[tags: photos, sharing, backup]

Quoted: French President launched his drive to get a rapid agreement among European Union nations by next month on a new scaled-down EU treaty to replace the stalled constitution project which his country and the Netherlands rejected two years ago. French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Linternaute) BREAKING NEWS Pure Arab horses More... In his first visit to European Union

[tags: EU]

Quoted: Direct2Dell, The Official Dell Blog, one-2-one communications with Dell

[tags: dell, blogs]

Quoted: Click Image to Play Video Whether you have a USB printer, keyboard, mouse, scanner, audio, adapters, drives, hubs (or even an iPod) - whether your USB device is external or internal - Chris has some hints and tips to help you through your problem. - John asks "I have a Toshiba Satellite notebook running Windows Vista [...]

[tags: usb, problems]

Quoted: Click Image to Play Video - Windows Vista 32 bit "supports" up to 4GB of memory, but is 4GB of memory enough to run Windows Vista? Sometimes it’s more than enough. If you’re running a 32 bit system, 4GB is your technical upper limit. Of course, Windows may not report that you have all 4GB available! [...]

[tags: windows, vista, memory, problems]

Free + Database = Freebase

It's about film, sports, politics, music, science and everything else all connected together. Our contributors are collecting data from all over the internet to build a massive, collaboratively-edited database of cross-linked data. It's a big job and we're just getting started.

[tags: community, search, technolog]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.