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25 April 2007

My Dots for Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Yapta is very different from other travel sites. It is not hooked up directly to airlines’ systems (as Expedia and Oribitz are), nor is it essentially a search engine for low fares like Farecast. Instead, they’re using some of the ideas behind and bookmarking to create a potentially compelling new way for people to search for cheap flights.

[tags: travel, tickets, airline]

Quoted: Microsoft's latest operating system has landed, but what does it mean for you? We have your complete guide to Vista: software and system reviews, download windows vista, buy windows vista, Windows system upgrade, Windows vista videos, the latest vista news, and a test to check whether your system's ready for the Vista upgrade.

[tags: vista, microsoft]

Quoted: The Good Morning Silicon Valley blog looks askance at the technology news of the day with an authoritative eye and irreverent wit

[tags: blogs, Fon, sharing]

Quoted: Despite some recent assertions, the battery-electric car will not make a dent in our carbon emissions. Even in New Zealand, with our large share of hydro electricity, the marginal…

[tags: automotive, hybrid, batteries]

Quoted: Remaining French candidates seek votes in the center

[tags: France, election]

Boris Yeltsin has died. He symbolised post-communist Russia’s greatest strengths—and its weaknesses

[tags: politics, Russia]

Quoted: On the heels of a burst of successful fund-raising, Democratic 2008 presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama has pulled even with frontrunner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a new poll released on Monday found.

[tags: election]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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In the computer business since 1962 - love IT.