InstaCalc is a new, refreshingly different calculator. Here's a quick list of the features that make it unique and fun to use.
[tags: calculator, internet]
Quoted: Solar Power Group GmbH, Linear Fresnel approach to solar thermal power production
[tags: solar, EnergyTechnologies]
A few weeks back I wrote two posts (Part I, Part II) on how to transform Gmail into your personal nerve center (PNC). These and other similar how-to posts are consistently among your favorites, so I plan to keep at it. They might not seem immediately relevant to marketing and PR, but believe me they are. We all need survival skills like these to keep up with our increasingly wired customers, the torrent of data they generate and our hectic lives. As you read these, think about the applications for your job.
Jott is a new service that lets you make a note to yourself even when you don't have hands free to write something down. You phone Jott on your cell phone, record a message up to 15 seconds, and Jott will run the message through a voice-to-text application and e-mail you the results.
Quoted: Take notes and do to do lists online or with your mobile phone. Never forget an idea or meeting with hands-free voice dictation and transcription services and group text messaging.
Here's the perfect toy for all us townies who’ve had our night goggles fogged over by light pollution from streetlamps - WikiSky. It's an interactive map of the heavens, a sort of Google Earth that looks outwards rather than inwards, as it were.
Quoted: History as it happened on the 19th-century American frontier.
[tags: blogs, history, photography]
Well, we all know that Mount Everest, at 29,035 feet above sea level, is the highest spot on our planet and is likely to remain so for a long, long time… unless we think about the word "highest" in a different way.
The Finno-Ugric languages form a subfamily of the Uralic languages. The majority of linguists believe that Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian, among other languages, should be included in the group. Unlike most of the other languages spoken in Europe, the Finno-Ugric languages are not part of the Indo-European family of languages. The Uralic languages also include the Samoyedic languages, and some linguists use the terms Finno-Ugric and Uralic as synonyms. Many of the smaller Finno-Ugric languages are endangered and near extinction. The term Finno-Ugric peoples is used to describe peoples speaking a Finno-Ugric language.
[tags: language, Sami people, finland, sweden, norway]
The Sami people (also Sámi, Saami, Lapps and Laplanders) are the indigenous people of Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. Their ancestral lands span across an area the size of Sweden in the Nordic countries. The Sami are one of the largest indigenous groups in Europe. Their languages are the Sami languages, which are classified as Finno-Ugric.
[tags: sweden, norway, finland, Sami people]
Jojkandet, det samiska sättet att sjunga, betraktas som den äldsta bevarade musikkulturen i Europa. Jojken är utmärkande för gammal samisk tradition, trots att den har vissa tekniska likheter med vissa andra sångstilar världen över. Den fyller såväl sociala, musikaliska och religiösa funktioner. Man jojkar inte om något. Man jojkar något och på så sätt får jojkaren en speciell kontakt med den eller det som jojkas. Denna identifikationsprocess väckte tidigare kyrkans misstro och medförde att jojkandet betraktades som syndigt och föraktligt av kristendomens representanter.
Samiska (förr lapska) är ett finsk-ugriskt språk, vars utbredningsområde utgörs av nordligaste delarna av Sverige, Norge och Finland samt Kolahalvön i Ryssland.
Samer (äldre benämning även lappar, vilket ofta uppfattas som nedsättande) är en etnisk minoritet i Norge, Sverige och Finland och på Kolahalvön i Ryssland. Det område som samer bebor brukar benämnas Sápmi (ibland Sameland). Samerna i Sverige har sedan 1993 en egen statlig institution med folkvalda (se Sametinget). ILO har förklarat samer som ursprungsbefolkning.
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