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25 March 2007

My Dots for Saturday, March 24, 2007

Schmedley provides results from 3 search engines.

[tags: search, google, Microsoft Live Search, yahoo, startpage]

Kiss YouTube offers an innovative approach for downloading video clips from Youtube. No browser bookmarklets, no software to install, just remember the KISS "Keep It Sweet & Simple" principle.

[tags: youtube, video, Downloads]

Quoted: The Best Film Ever Made About Google

[tags: google]

Quoted: Microsoft had some special RSS search operators in Live Search to help users search across RSS feeds or discover blogs on particular topics.

[tags: search, microsoft, Microsoft Live Search]

GMail is much better than Hotmail or Yahoo! at filtering spam email but the system is still far from perfect. As GMail users, we do encounter situations when a legitimate e-mail message from a friend or a client is incorrectly tagged as spam by GMail (known as false positive).

[tags: google, firefox, gmail]

Google Gmail gives you more than 2.5 GB of Inbox space sufficient to store hundreds of thousands of email messages. But you can quickly run out of space even on GMail if your friends regularly email you PDF, video attachments, sound clips, large zipped files, or high-resolution photographs.

[tags: google, gmail]

Gran Paradiso Planning Center

Quoted: This is a starting point for planning and design information for the Firefox 3 release, including schedules, feature sets, and branch process information.

[tags: firefox]

Here is a fun trick for those of you on Gmail who are looking for a way to easily handle emails that you need track a response.

[tags: blogs, gmail, google]

Quoted: Swing disc jockey Henrik Eriksson give you tips about swing, jazz och blues music. Cd and book reviews. Music that makes you want do dance

[tags: video, music, jazz]

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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